Daily Life


My day on a plate: Scott Cam

Scott Cam, 53, presenter, The Block.

First published August 21, 2016

7am My family are in NSW but I live in Melbourne for days like today when we’re filming, so my usual eating pattern is out of whack. Breakfast is an orange, three Weet-Bix and a cup of tea.

10.30am During filming breaks, I try to grab a quick snack to warm me up. It’s cold here, so I have a nice warming bowl of chicken soup.

12.30pm Lunchtime on The Block is a great time to catch up with the crew and foreman Keith. Each day it’s something different for lunch; today I have a gourmet hot dog! And lots of water. You’ve always got to be hydrated on a worksite.

7pm Lamb chops cooked on the barbie, with peas and mashed potatoes. I wash them down with four cans of beer.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Snacking on chicken soup rather than unhealthy, highly processed packaged snacks. Th e protein from the chicken helps with appetite control. A big tick for the water, too; it is much better than having the soft drinks typical of building sites.


If you keep eating like this you’ll… Fail to provide optimal protection to your cells as you get older. There are very few vegies in your day and no leafy greens (unless in the soup), no nuts, not enough fibre and few good fats. Meantime, things like processed meats (the hot dog) and alcohol raise your risk of cellular damage.

Why don’t you try… To get some vegies into lunch with either a side salad, a vegie-based soup or smoothie, then add a couple more to dinner. Snack on a handful of nuts every day or add them to breakfast. Keep processed meats to no more than once a week and give yourself a couple of alcohol-free days.

The Block returns tonight at 7pm on Channel 9.