Daily Life


My day on a plate: Neil Perry

Neil Perry, 59, chef.

First published August 28, 2016

6am Slow-pressed green juice with spinach, parsley, cucumber, apple and lemon.

6.45am Bircher muesli, which I soak overnight in lemon juice, with sheep’s milk yoghurt, grated apple and roasted activated hazelnuts. Plus a cocktail of supplements: a probiotic, fish oil, vitamin D and liver tonic.

9am A piccolo.

1pm Steamed rice with poached chicken, pickled cabbage and radish, salted chilli, sesame and soy.

3pm Another piccolo!


7.30pm For dinner, grilled fish with extra virgin olive oil and lemon, and a mix of green beans, broccolini and leaf salad. I’d be lying if I said a glass of red wine: it’s usually a whole bottle, hence the liver tonic tablet in the morning! I’m a “three meals a day” kind of guy and don’t graze in between, but I do drink a lot of water: 10 glasses a day. I rarely have dessert if I’m at home but about twice a week I’ll enjoy reggiano, cheddar or gruyère with sliced apple.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Not eating between meals. For most people grazing leads to eating too much, unhealthy snack foods or both. It’s easier to get the balance of nutrients right with three square meals – and you do this well.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Escape any major nutritional problems but you have correctly identified the challenge to your liver. It is an amazing organ in that it can regenerate, but it needs a break from metabolising alcohol to do that or you risk permanent damage.

Why don’t you try… At least two days free of alcohol every week. Liver tonics may help, but nothing beats a break from booze to give your liver a chance to recover.