Daily Life


My day on a plate: Michael Klim

Michael Klim, 38, Olympian and entrepreneur.

First published July 17, 2016

6am A strong coffee and a banana and protein smoothie to wake me up and kick-start my day.

7.30am After my hour-long workout in the gym, I have a bowl of granola with Greek yoghurt for breakfast.

8.30am Heading into work at the Milk & Co office, I knock back a strong flat white.

12pm Today’s lunch is one of my all-time favourites, an Asian slaw beef salad.

3pm A handful of cashews and a glass of milk help get me through the afternoon, along with a couple of lollies for a treat!


7pm I love spicy food so I’ve gone with a favourite dish for dinner: spicy chicken curry.

8.30pm Time to wind down. I finish the day off with some yoghurt and fresh berries.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Getting plenty of spices into your day. Th ese don’t just add flavour to meals, but are also incredibly rich in various beneficial phytochemicals including antioxidants and those with medicinal value.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Maintain a good body composition. Your combination of carbs and protein around your workout will help you to maintain muscle mass while keeping fat stores down. The missing nutrients on this day are omega-3 fats. These are essential for brain and heart health, and as a general anti-inflammatory aid.

Why don’t you try… Ensuring you swap the meat for oily fish or other seafood at least twice a week and include plant sources of omega-3 such as linseed, chia and walnuts regularly.

Michael Klim is an ambassador for Legendairy.