Daily Life


My day on a plate: Matthew Evans

Matthew Evans, 50, farmer and TV host.

First published October 23, 2016

5.15am A snail pastry, warm from the wood oven at our local bakers, as I pick up the bread for the stall at Salamanca Market.

6.30am Coffee – a flat white with unhomogenised whole milk.

7am A mix of two types of muesli, toasted and full of dried fruit. I add natural homemade yoghurt and two Weet-Bix to bulk it out, along with milk. I’m hungry, so I have two bowls of this. More coffee.

10am Coffee.

Noon Five slices of wood-fired ciabatta with homemade butter. Then a slice with honey on it.


About 3pm Handful of walnuts and macadamias. Two scoops of blackcurrant ripple ice-cream.

7pm Two pieces ciabatta with whitemould cheese. Silverbeet and feta pie in homemade fi lo – it’s got eggs, cream and lots of fresh herbs in it, and the pastry is made using extra virgin olive oil. A couple of fresh carrots from the garden. Two glasses of pinot noir.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Making your own pastry using extra virgin olive oil. Commercial pastries can be significant sources of trans fats that increase the risk of heart disease.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Have an increased risk of chronic disease later in life. You’re falling short on vegies and ate no fruit on this day, so your intake of protective phytonutrients is low. You’re also having too many refined grain products, which are associated with weight gain over time.

Why don’t you try… Swapping refined grains for wholegrains to help control hunger and boost nutrient and fi bre intake. And how about adding a bowl of vegie and bean soup for lunch?

For the Love of Meat with Matthew Evans screens on Thursdays at 7.30pm on SBS.