Peter Dutton's attack on CEOs over marriage equality splits Coalition

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton kept up his attack on CEOs who support same-sex marriage.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton kept up his attack on CEOs who support same-sex marriage. Andrew Meares

The same-sex marriage debate inside the government has reignited after Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's tirade against business leaders who campaign on social issues rather than tax or industrial relations reform.

In a series of exchanges that highlight ongoing internal division over the marriage issue, Education Minister Simon Birmingham – a Liberal Party moderate – on Sunday staunchly defended the right of business to push for changes to the Marriage Act.

"Throughout history business leaders have often stepped ahead of legislators in supporting reforms related to gender equity or racial equity," Senator Birmingham said.

"I see no reason as to why business leaders are not free to do likewise when it comes to issues like marriage equality."

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce: Dutton says he should only speak as an individual.
Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce: Dutton says he should only speak as an individual. Louise Kennerley

The minister's remarks followed a series of public attacks by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton on the business community for allowing themselves to be "blackmailed into submission" by lobby groups in favour of same-sex marriage.

Mr Dutton demanded publicly listed companies "stick to their knitting" by delivering services to customers and returns to shareholders.

Dutton chides Joyce

Doubling down over the weekend, Mr Dutton chided gay Qantas chief Alan Joyce, saying he should express his views on any particular issue as an "individual".

"It's at the same time that these companies aren't out there arguing for tax reform or arguing for flexibility in industrial relations or the rest," Mr Dutton said on Saturday.

"The difficulty is that you have got companies that are being pushed one way or the other by organisations like GetUp and that is unacceptable. It is coercion and bullying and it's unacceptable."

Renewed division within the Coalition over same-sex marriage comes after the chief executive officers of 30 of Australia's largest companies – including Telstra, Qantas, Holden, Wesfarmers and the Commonwealth Bank – urged the government to take action on gay marriage.

There is also speculation that a number of conservative Coalition MPs are planning to lobby Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to jettison his support for a plebiscite on same-sex marriage and pass legislation by a normal vote.

Senator Birmingham defended the right of party members to lobby Mr Turnbull.

"Let's see what anybody proposes, and of course people are free to put their propositions to the Prime Minister, to the cabinet, to the party room.

"We can work through those issues. But it won't distract us from our focus."

GetUp issued a statement applauding Mr Dutton for recognising the organisation's "people power approach" to social change.

"We assume big business in Australia are backing marriage equality in Australia because it is the right thing for their customers and their staff," said GetUp national director Paul Oosting.

"It's hard to see someone creating a more ideal candidate to target at the next federal election, as he is clearly spooked by our power," said Mr Oosting.