Business leaders should ignore Peter Dutton's 'stick to knitting' call

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says it is unacceptable for companies to use shareholder funds to advocate on social ...
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says it is unacceptable for companies to use shareholder funds to advocate on social issues. Andrew Meares

Business leaders always like to say they focus on the long term. But when they wade into the realm of politics, it pays to remember that a week is an awfully long period in that world. 

It is only a few weeks since some in the Coalition government were calling on big business to help them deflect Labor's attacks over the Fair Work Commission's decision to decrease penalty rates for Sunday shifts. 

Now some of Australia top chief executives – including Qantas boss Alan Joyce, Commonwealth Bank's Ian Narev and Telstra's Andy Penn – are copping both barrels from Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, who has launched a three-day attack (and counting) on the business leaders' support to a push for the "near term" legislation for same-sex marriage.

Dutton has been getting louder and louder each day, reaching a crescendo on Saturday when he declared the CEOs should "stick to their knitting" and singled out Joyce for particular criticism. 

Dutton thunder

"It is unacceptable that people would use companies and shareholders money of publicly listed companies to throw their weight around," Dutton thundered. 

"If Alan Joyce and any other CEO wants to campaign on this or any other issue in their own time and on their own dime, good luck to them," he told Queensland's Liberal National Party state council meeting in Cairns.

"Don't use an iconic brand and the might of a multibillion-dollar business on issues best left to the judgment of individuals and elected decision makers."

Dutton has a point that the business leaders have effectively asked the government to break its election promise to hold a plebiscite on same-sex marriage for legislation; this argument was taken up by cabinet members Matt Canavan and Greg Hunt on Sunday.

Given how much business dislikes seeing other election promises broken, there's certainly an argument that the CEOs' campaign was always going to be a big ask – even if Labor and the Greens would have likely supported a change in policy by the government. 

Populism wave

But putting aside the specific issue of same-sex marriage, there is good reason for companies to ignore Dutton's advice to "stick to their knitting". 

Business leaders know that they are not immune from the same wave of populism that swept US President Donald Trump to power last year, and that looks to be washing through other parts of the world. Indeed, Trump regularly attacked businesses on the campaign trail, and threw them in with the "special interests" that he said had captured Washington. 

At The Australian Financial Review Business Summit in Sydney earlier this month, business leaders including ANZ chairman David Gonski, Australian Institute of Company Directors head Elizabeth Proust and Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott all spoke of the need for businesses to play a greater role in the national debate. 

Yes, this will typically mean engaging on issues such as tax reform, industrial relations and trade policy. But speaking up on issues such as gender and diversity is arguably just as important.

Indeed, there's an argument that failing to speak up on social issues makes it very hard for the corporate sector to prosecute the case for tax cuts or lower penalty rates. If business wants, as Westacott said at the Summit, "legitimacy as the wealth creators of society" then it needs to show it is involved in that society – and not just the bits it can profit from. 

This doesn't mean every company needs to speak up on every issue – indeed, many companies didn't sign the same-sex marriage letter – and any support for a social cause should be done in a genuine, passionate way, not for the sake of political correctness, as Dutton has suggested.

But the business community knows it is part of the wider community too and speaking up on important issues should never be seen as an "unacceptable" waste of shareholder money.