Investors face G20 wake-up call

Donald Trump's trade wars could wipe out any benefit from his aggressive tax cut plans.
Donald Trump's trade wars could wipe out any benefit from his aggressive tax cut plans. AP

In the wake of the Group of 20 meeting over the weekend, protectionism and the threat of a global trade war are likely to once again appear on investors' radars.

Finance leaders from the largest economies bowed to pressure from US President Donald Trump by scrapping a commitment to reject all forms of trade protectionism.

The result should not come as a shock.

"President Trump himself has repeatedly expressed his support for "America first" protectionist policies," the Capital Economics team write.

Ahead of the weekend's meeting in the German mountain resort town of Baden-Baden, analysts were already pointing to early documents which removed a reference to "resist all forms of protectionism", but would include a statement that they would "reaffirm previous exchange rate commitments".

Predictable or not, the weekend's events may serve as a much-needed wake-up call. Strategists and many high-profile investors have become increasingly concerned that markets have become overly complacent and apparently unwilling to price in negative scenarios less beneficial aspects of the Trump policy agenda, and in particular the threat of a global trade war.This is particularly the case on Wall Street, where the US sharemarket is trading near record highs and at worryingly lofty valuations.

The US sharemarket is "looking very toppy at the moment", Perpetual head of multi-asset strategy Matt Sherwood said. "It's trading at a 15 per cent valuation premium to other developed markets."

"Candidate Trump advocated an activist trade policy and President Trump is attempting to implement this," Macquarie Wealth Management analysts wrote ahead of the G20 meeting.

"These policies could lead to a global growth shock," the chance of which the Macquarie analysts put at between 40 and 50 per cent, among the more bearish outlooks.

"We believe that President Trump, wearied by the implications of the US being the 'consumer of last resort', wants to rebalance the US economy and bring factories back to the US," the analysts said.

The Trump administration's focus on trade deficits, particularly with the Asian manufacturing giants, and China in particular, is unlikely to wane in the near future.

"The trade surplus of 'factory Asia' is now materially bigger in absolute terms than in the years leading to the global financial crisis," they point out.

Australian investors in particular have reason to worry, as the country's economy and currency would be among the most affected by a fall in global trade, analysts say.

"There is a risk that investors are now being too complacent about the risks of protectionism in the US," the Capital Economics economists wrote.

"With the currencies of many countries that have large trade surpluses with the US – including Mexico, India and Korea – close to their levels prior to Trump's election, investors may have gone a little too far in ruling out a turn towards protectionism."

Macquarie currency analysts agree the foreign exchange market has "largely ignored rhetoric around protectionism in the US".

The Australian dollar is, alongside its Kiwi counterpart, the most exposed of the G10 currencies to a rise in protectionism.

The Macquarie analysts dub the currencies "highly vulnerable", as they would bear the brunt of a weaker China if, as expected, that country would bear the brunt of higher tariffs. The Aussie and Kiwi would also be hurt by the second-round effects of falling commodity prices, as demand from key consumers such as China falls.

That vulnerability would come from an expected hit to economic growth.

Recent analysis by Bank of America-Merrill Lynch suggests that a full-blown global trade war, in which global export growth was cut in half by the middle of this year, could cut 0.3 percentage points from GDP growth in this year, and by one full percentage point in 2018.