Gas crisis is about price, not supply: APA's Mick McCormack

APA CEO Mick McCormack says there is no gas shortage.
APA CEO Mick McCormack says there is no gas shortage. Louie Douvis

For some earthy, cut-through clarity on the state of Australia's gas markets, who better to turn to that Mick McCormack.

McCormack runs APA Group, the nation's biggest gas piper. And it is his firm view that, right now, we do not have a gas supply crisis. What we have is a bitter division between suppliers and customers over what it is costing to get the gas they need.

McCormack describes APA's pipeline network as "a big tank with 40 injection points all over and 100 points where the gas can leave the system". He insists his tank is always full and that, from day-to-day, from minute-to-minute, Australia's 700 petajoule domestic market remains as consistently and fully supplied right now as it has been since the east coast network was fully integrated.

"We have heard some big customers saying they can't get gas," McCormack told The Australian Financial Review last week. "I have been told that is not true. There is gas available on two and three-year terms at a price. But the customers don't like the tenor and they don't like the price. What they are really saying is they want it like the good old days, the days when contracts were 10 to 15 years and pricing was $3 a gigajoule.

"But that is not going to happen. The conventional gas that they have been getting cheap for 20 years, that was the low hanging fruit. The $3 days are gone. It is now the higher cost conventional from the Cooper and the higher cost stuff from Bass Strait and the price has to increase. Then the coal seam stuff costs that little bit more. It needs export pricing and volumes to justify the investment needed to get it. And then Santos built one train too many.

"There is no doubt that Santos has caused the whole issue to come to a head by buying all that domestic gas in volumes enough to force net-back pricing through the system. There is gas. But you have to pay an export-competitive price to get it."

What McCormack means there is that, unlike its two competitors on Curtis Island, Santos relies excessively on third-party producers for the gas that it turns into LNG.  

Export pricing

While Santos pushes the boundaries of the market to fuel its second train, Australians will pay export parity pricing for gas.

The problem for Santos is that it is one of those Australians that will increasingly be paying peak prices for its third-party gas. And that just has to be causing some serious headaches for new boss Kevin Gallagher as he tries to right a ship that almost crashed through the first year of the enduring OPEC-driven oil price crash.

Now, if Oil Search's Peter Botten is right and global LNG prices really do hit $US4 a gigajoule over the next 12 to18 months, then Santos would seem to have little choice but to mothball is second train.

The problem in shutting down machines like LNG plants is that they are only built because their nameplate capacity is all but full contracted. Those contracts are usually large and very long-term – say 20 years.

But the Botten theory is that the rush of new production from the trio of new LNG projects in Australia and the US will see spot LNG markets under considerable pressure. Botten also believes that the US gas export industry can fulfil its ambitions to be producing 70mtpa of LNG within maybe a decade. It is likely that gas will arrive in the market on shorter terms and at an extremely competitive cost.

To be clear on that, as LNG projects go live, their production is sold into spot market. It is only when ramp-up is complete and technical completion is signed off that contracts become live.

If spot markets become as liquid as Botten anticipates, then Santos might well do better by filling its contracted requirements from the shorter markets and redirecting Australian gas back into the domestic market.

Already about 30 per cent of global LNG is actively traded rather than delivered under long contracts. Most of that volume is being swapped around markets as customers and suppliers work to reduce cost and create efficiencies.

Gas swaps

Some reckon there is opportunity in the gas swaps business for Australia's big gas users, too. Rather than seek safe haven in constraining policy like gas reservation, why not exercise the potential of low spot prices and active global swaps markets by acquiring cheap volumes of LNG and offering them to the Gladstone producers in return for releasing of similar volumes of domestic gas?

But back to McCormack, who says it "just surprises me that people are as surprised as they seem to be".

"Then again, there is a fair bit of commercial self-interest being run here on the demand and the supply side. And I suppose they are going to say that I am representing my interest in all this. Fair enough. But that's part of the problem. The house is divided and no one really wants to hear sense.

"The debate is getting to a dangerous point. It is already toxic. I am telling our investors that my biggest fear is that once politicians see it as an election issue – and it has become a longevity issue in South Australia – then there is a risk we will have knee-jerk, stupid reactions. I mean it is starting with the battery caper. Every person and their mother-in-law is trying to get a seat in the debate.

"The answer is short and sweet," McCormack said last week. "We have got to get access to more gas. Everywhere you go in Australia there is gas underneath you. To solve the issue in the medium and longer term, it is dead simple, it is just not easy."

Pretty much ever since it became apparent that the east coast gas market was blithely stepping its way to a completely unnecessary crisis, we have been crossing swords with the big gas users' lobby, Manufacturing Australia, about simple answers.

The lobby, whose members include BlueScope, Brickworks, Dulux, CSR and Incitec Pivot, among others, is a collection of hard-working people doing the hard yards in ever difficult circumstances. But in reviving last week its demands for domestic gas reservation, Manufacturing Australia did itself a disservice.  

"You and I have a different view on whether we have a functioning market," executive director Ben Eade told me last week. "My position on reservation has always been that it is a blunt instrument, that it will have unintended consequences, and it's not my preferred approach. However, if governments continue to do nothing on the supply side, as they have done, then it will become the 'last man standing.' We are at that point." 


Eade, who is a good bloke for all that we disagree, had earlier chastised "successive federal governments" for approving the gas munching Gladstone export projects without "first ensuring the local market would be supplied" and urging, as ever, the states to indulge in gas supply reservation for the domestic market.

But for all that the Feds approved those projects, they had no call at all over the state of the supply side of the equation. Gladstone's machines are fed predominantly by onshore gas from South Australia and Queensland. That production is the responsibility of state governments. And it was the decision of one state, NSW, that unpicked the admittedly excessively delicate supply equation.

Last week Manufacturing Australia offered a gas market reform manifesto that stretched from the sensible to the bizarre.

At the oddest end of things is a push for the great states of NSW and Victoria to "follow the lead" offered by Queensland by "reserving new gas for the domestic use" and Manufacturing Australia's demand that those who don't drill should lose their rights.

These are strange ideas because it is nothing like what Queensland has done, because Victoria has stopped onshore drilling altogether and because what little gas NSW currently produces for itself is almost certainly being used by domestic customers and whatever gas the state might produce in the future will also be aimed at local manufacturers.

Queensland has not reserved new gas. What it has done, as an experiment, is offer a couple of new exploration permits to the market that will carry a requirement that any future production is targeted at the domestic market.

Why promote gas reservation in states that have either banned onshore drilling (Victoria) or actively contained its potential (NSW)? And why talk about use-it or lose-it provisions when drillers are being constrained by government from doing the drilling they want to do?

McCormack is right. The answer is new gas supply. The domestic price is offering every incentive for explorers to get on with it. What we need is a national consensus that demands they be allowed to as rapidly as possible.