Australia's National Electricity Market - a slow-motion car crash

Malcolm Turnbull at the Snowy scheme last week: Coal-power may be needed to pump the water.
Malcolm Turnbull at the Snowy scheme last week: Coal-power may be needed to pump the water. Alex Ellinghausen

When Audrey Zibelman starts her job as the new chief executive of the Australian Energy Market Operator on Monday you could forgive her for having second thoughts about taking on what is arguably one of the toughest jobs in the country.

The United States energy expert's last job might have been helping New York boost its renewable energy, but the energy dilemma confronting Australia – and the ensuring political dogfight playing out – is likely to cause her headaches over not just for months but for years.

The big developments this week – from big producers agreeing in principle to divert more gas from export to domestic use, to South Australia building a new $360 million gas-fired power plant and a mooted $2 billion expansion of Snowy Hydro by the Commonwealth – are long-term fixes and will do little to halt the gas and electricity shortage which is going to get worse from this winter.

Businesses and households will be left to scratch their heads at the policy mess that has seen power prices double over the past few years with no relief in sight.

Punch and Judy show. SA premier Jay Weatherill and federal energy minister Josh Frydenberg take turns to entertain ...
Punch and Judy show. SA premier Jay Weatherill and federal energy minister Josh Frydenberg take turns to entertain voters with a tit for tat argument over power. Supplied

From an outsider's perspective, Australia looks blessed. It has abundant energy reserves of coal and gas, almost limitless sunshine and wind reserves and thriving start-up culture to harness new technologies.

But what has unfolded over the past 10 years – let alone the last 10 days – in national political debate over climate policy and energy regulation is nothing short of a shambles.

The unedifying sight this week of SA Premier Jay Weatherhill going toe-to-toe with federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg at a press conference in Adelaide was the high point of dysfunction

Hello? On Thursday the free-market Coalition promoted market intervention to try and fix up the mess. That was just a day after it slammed SA Labor government for doing the same thing.

So what's going to greet Zibelman when she walks into her office at level 22, 530 Collins Street in Melbourne on Monday?

For starters, last week the Prime Minister said the country was in an energy crisis. Welcome to Australia! 

While those in the energy sector – including Zibelman's own organisation – were well aware of the looming gas shortage, it was only when Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull put it into two words  that the penny dropped for most people.

The wheeling and dealing between tech billionaires Elon Musk, the Tesla battery founder, and Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes over a potential battery solution for SA got everyone's hopes up but the jury's out on whether it's a viable solution or a stunt by Tesla.

Turnbull summoned the big gas producers to Canberra for a meeting on Wednesday to show why they were not bringing on more supply, rather than use the bulk of domestic gas to feed the $80 billion liquified natural gas export behemoth in Queensland. He threatened a big stick – of restrictions to LNG exports – but no concrete promises emerged from the meeting.

The day before when the SA government unveiled its own $550 million intervention to help resolve its own power problems, brought on by diving headlong into renewable energy which has led to the closure of the more reliable thermal generation.

This included a $360 million state-owned gas-fired power plant to provide back-up for the the grid during times of high demand, a $100 million utility-scale battery project and a 10 per cent royalty incentive for farmers to help gas exploration on their land, with a push for any gas found to be used in SA first.

It was an admission that SA – which has been the standard bearer on renewables in energy policy – cannot rely solely on them given there are problems when the wind stops blowing and the sun doesn't shine, nor can it rely on energy being brought over from Victoria via the (single, overloaded) interconnector.

Not to be outdone, the Prime Minister headed to the foothills of the Snowy Mountains on Thursday to spruik a planned $2 billion expansion of the Snowy Hydro scheme to create a "virtual battery" of 2000 megawatts using pumped hydro storage.

Although the Commonwealth only has a 13 per cent stake in Snowy Hydro – NSW (58 per cent) and Victoria (29 per cent) are the other shareholders – Turnbull vowed the federal government would pay for the expansion – cutely labelled "Snowy Mountains 2.0" – which they claimed could power 500,000 homes.

The federal government claims the expansion of Snowy Hydro could begin next year and be completed in four years. But a former Snowy Hydro engineer, Max Talbot, told ABC Radio on Thursday it was an expensive option and would take seven to 10 years to get off the ground.

"I think four years is pretty optimistic, it's more likely to be seven to 10 years and that of course won't help us in the current supply shortage," he said. 

Turnbull the Interventionist was not finished yet, flagging the possibility of funding a new interconnector between NSW and South Australia, as well as helping contribute to another pumped hydro project in SA, EnergyAustralia's $200 million 100 megawatt project in the Spencer Gulf.

While the federal and SA governments have flagged market intervention to help fix the energy market, it won't resolve anything in the short term.

Big energy users and producers backed an emissions intensity scheme for the electricity sector to chart a certain path to reduce carbon emissions and to break the deadlock to allow investment to start flowing again. But the Turnbull government has ruled it out before a review of its climate policies and the Finkel review into energy security is complete.

"The National Electricity Market is not broken. The market has been increasingly distorted by a number of policy interventions and poor policy co-ordination, too often designed by their impact on opinion polls rather than energy security. Self-evidently this needs to end," says Australian Energy Council chief executive Matthew Warren.

As Zibelman will discover, state and territory governments are looking at overhauling the rules which govern the NEM, but that could take years.

The threats to energy security and supply are coming thick and fast. Later this month, French-owned Engie will close the Hazelwood dirty-brown coal station in Victoria's La Trobe Valley, removing 1600 megawatts from the NEM. Then there's next summer, when the next heatwaves come rolling in and putting strain on the electricity grid.

Finally, there's the farcical proposal for floating LNG plants off the coast of Australia which will buy LNG exported from Gladstone to Singapore and then import it back into the country to help deal with domestic gas shortages.

If it wasn't cripplingly serious it would be funny.