Alinta deal is a long-term bet on a profitable energy market

Australia-bound: Henry Cheng, the chairman of Chow Tai Fook Enterprises.
Australia-bound: Henry Cheng, the chairman of Chow Tai Fook Enterprises. David Rowe

It says a lot about the long-term prospects for making profits in the Australian energy market that one of the wealthiest families in Hong Kong should, in the space of three months, go from zero exposure to $4 billion of invested capital.

Power generator and energy retailer Alinta Energy is being purchased by the Hong Kong-based Chai Tai Fook Enterprises, which is chaired by Henry Cheng.

A company with no investments or past experience in the local energy market has had the foresight to both see past the policy chaos and run the gauntlet of the unpredictable Foreign Investment Review Board.

Chai Tai Fook Enterprises is best known for its retail jewellery business. This is a symbol of the company's inter-generational approach to investment.

The jewellery business was started in 1929, which explains why the listed Chai Tai Fook Jewellery Group in Hong Kong has a stock ticker of 1929.

Sources close to the family believe it will take a similar long-term strategic approach to investing in the Australian energy market.

The Cheng family is coming to Australia at a time when all the factors are pointing to higher retail energy prices over the longer term. The higher prices will be a function of the lack of forward planning and need to pay for construction of expensive new generation and transmission infrastructure.

Over the past year, the surge in electricity prices has provided a boost to the sharemarket performance of AGL Energy and Origin Energy, which are both benefiting from having purchased coal-fired power stations during recent privatisations.

Energy Australia, which is controlled by the Hong Kong-based CLP Holdings, last year doubled its profit to $HK1.8 billion thanks to a tightening wholesale electricity market.

However, the immediate attraction of Alinta to the Cheng family is its dominant and profitable position in Western Australia. The retailing and generation assets in that state account for more than half of Alinta's profits.

Alinta is a major supplier of energy to BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto in the Western Australian Pilbara region.

The long-term growth prospects for Alinta are in the eastern states where it is rapidly growing its retail customer base. Growth in retail energy customers in the eastern states will inevitably require investment in new energy capacity.

The Cheng family is happy for the expansion of Alinta to remain in the capable hands of chief executive Jeff Dimery, who joined the company from AGL Energy in 2011.

Dimery is described by those who know him as a charming executive but without the polish typical of a top 100 CEO. He is said to be authentic and genuine. These characteristics obviously appealed to the Cheng family.

Dimery has had the pleasure of seeing a company which was overloaded with debt transition to become a sought-after asset. The debt overhang was a legacy of the 2007 acquisition of the business by Babcock & Brown.

Alinta was readied for sale to the public as a yield play but local institutions baulked at buying the business through an initial public offering at eight times earnings.

The IPO processes were conducted in tandem with a confidential side-track trade sale led by one of the largest shareholders, private equity group TPG.

TPG's involvement had its fair share of upheaval considering the pathway to selling the business included a reasonably large bump in the road – the departure Ben Gray as the local head of TPG's operations.

Gray, who was once the pin-up boy of the local private equity market, left TPG to set up his own private equity fund. Gray has kept a low profile in recent years following a storm of protest over his role in the Myer disposal by TPG several years ago.

TPG was fortunate that following the departure of Gray a talented private equity executive from CHAMP Private Equity, Joel Thickins, joined the firm and was able to shepherd through the Alinta sale.

One of the broader lessons from this transaction is that private equity has the ability to show considerable patience when necessary. TPG ensured Alinta was in a position to be sold and this involved significant capital investment over the past five years.

Chai Tai Fook Enterprises was able to move fast on the transaction because of the strength of the due diligence process undertaken for the IPO. This included the latest quarterly earnings numbers.

Dimery has not publicly revealed his expansion plans for Alinta, but Chanticleer understands that a significant part of that new investment will be in renewables. This strategy would be in keeping with the approach of rivals, including AGL and Energy Australia.

The market dynamics in Australia are changing rapidly thanks to the emergency government responses put forward in the past week.

The gas plant construction and battery storage measures announced by South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill and $2 billion hydro power promise by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull may well be helpful for companies such as Alinta.

Citi analyst Michael Dargue says expanding Snowy Hydro to create 2000MW of new pumped storage will help the system cope with renewables intermittency.

The measures announced by Weatherill and Turnbull have left lots of questions hanging in relation to the energy market. Probably the most important of these is whether or not Australia is allocating capital into new generation capacity in an optimal way?

For example, if you compare the numbers released by Tesla in relation to its proposed battery installation with the Snowy Hydro proposal, the latter option looks expensive.

Tesla has offered batteries at $250 per kWh, while the proposed Snowy Hydro expansion appears to cost $1000 per kWh, given that Turnbull said the federal government's $2 billion investment would deliver 2 gigawatts of power.

It should be noted the Tesla offer was for batteries only. The real cost may be double that amount. But even at $500 a kWh, the Snowy option is double the price.

The cost of Turnbull's hydro expansion should not be seen in isolation. In addition to the $2 billion for the expansion of Snowy Hydro there will have to be new investment in the transmission infrastructure to ensure the power can get to where it is needed in South Australia.

There is also uncertainty about how long it will take to deliver the project. Also, there is the possibility that there will be significant improvements in battery costs over the period of the construction.