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Malcolm's in the muddle but governments rarely lose power because of a single politician

Former federal Liberal leader John Hewson opined this week that if Peter Dutton was the answer, he didn't want to contemplate the question.

The sharp retort says more about the relationship between Hewson and the Immigration Minister than it does about whether Mr Dutton might make a strong conservative leader.

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Everyone v Hanson

The One Nation leader is copping it from all sides after the WA election and her party's poor result.

But that's not the point here. The problem is no longer the leadership of the Liberal Party in Western Australia or the Labor government in South Australia or the Commonwealth government.

In Canberra, Mr Dutton might be the poster boy for the party's right wing, in the same way Malcolm Turnbull offered the party new moderate voters.

But does it matter who is in charge, if the party in government can't deliver on its promises?

The Liberals weren't routed in Western Australia because of Colin Barnett. They were ordered into opposition by voters sick and tired of a government that was unable to deliver the level of services and government-whole leadership they expect.


The same goes for the Labor government in South Australia. If an election were held there tomorrow, Jay Weatherill would be sent packing. 

Mr Weatherill claims his state will lead Australia's "transformation to the next generation of renewable storage technologies".

His voters would probably settle for a promise that their state will not be plunged into any further blackouts.

Governments become unpopular when they don't do what they've promised, or they become out of touch with those they serve.

Rarely do they lose power solely on the back of a single politician, including the leader.

That means the problem in Canberra is less Malcolm Turnbull and more his government, which has disappointed voters at every turn.

The problem in Canberra is less Malcolm Turnbull and more his government, which has disappointed voters at every turn.

It has failed to implement policies it promised voters it would. Daily it seems rudderless, lurching from one populist policy to the next, and one crisis to the next. 

Tony Abbott has ensured that teamwork isn't its strength – and now we learn of a looming energy crisis.

(How is it that the Prime Minister is suddenly managing an energy crisis neither he nor his government saw coming? Some voters will rightly wonder if this is a real crisis or whether the crisis is a government not being on top of the game.)

The consequence of our big political parties providing disappointing government has been the remarkable elevation of Pauline Hanson and her One Nation party.

And until Labor and the conservatives can foster a team plan that offers voters confidence, new players will be a viable alternative.

But it seems, at least amongst the conservatives, a pact cannot even be determined on how to handle those parties, like One Nation.

In the wake of the WA loss, federal LNP party members are arguing entirely different views. Some blame the party's hand-holding with One Nation for its dismal showing. Others blame other factors.

And that same issue is happening – but behind closed doors – in Queensland. Some senior LNP figures believe a relationship with One Nation is the LNP's easiest route to victory.

Others are using the WA poll to argue the opposite: that it will drag them down in the city, and deliver government back to Labor.

So if a party can't work out what it wants in opposition, how can it lead in government?

Whatever way you spin that, it's not just an issue of leadership. It's conviction, and it's sadly lacking.