
Viet Nam is bestowed by the nature the system of forests, mountains, rivers, streams, lakes and waterfalls. Coming Northern mountainous region of the S-shaped land strip, visitors have the chance to admire the magnificent mountains, the terraced fields stretching along the hillsides, the villages hidden in the mist. In the Central of sunlight and wind, visitors also sightsee the romantic and charming sceneries of national parks, nature reserves. The South with immense fields, luxuriant fruit gardens and bustling floating markets also attracts visitors.


Sea-island tourism

With 3,260km of coastline, Viet Nam has many beautiful bays and beaches. Ha Long Bay in the North of Viet Nam is a great natural art work of stone and water with thousands of multi-shaped rocky islands and many amazing caves. Sea in the Central is charming with romantic beauty of blue waves and white sand. In addition to bathing, visitors can take part in water sports as diving, surfing, parachuting… or visit fishing villages.


City tourism

Viet Nam has 63 provinces and cities with diversified terrain and landscape creating own character and identity. Arriving each locality in Viet Nam, visitors will have the opportunity to discover unique art architecture works, museums containing a lot of historical and cultural values; purchase local specialties; or relax in resorts with modern facilities and diversified tourism services. In particular, cultural identity and friendly, hospitable local people will leave unforgettable impressions on visitors.


Cultural and historical tourism

54 ethnic groups of Viet Nam with its own customs create a multicolored cultural mosaic. History of thousands years of building and defending the country preserves the diversified historical relic sites, craft villages, traditional festivals… Viet Nam cuisine is unique and attractive. In particular, Viet Nam gathers a lot of world cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO.


Discovery and adventure tourism

With imposing mountains, amazing caves, interlacing rivers and streams, spectacular waterfalls, Viet Nam has attracted more and more visitors to experience the adventure tourism forms, such as: exploring caves, conquering mountains, crossing waterfalls, parachuting, zipline, kayaking...