
Sir Ivan Bushfire extinguished

Almost a month after a ferocious bushfire tore through Western NSW, the NSW Rural Fire Service has declared the Sir Ivan fire has been extinguished. NSW RFS also announced the fire, which destroyed 35 homes in Uarbry and its surrounds, was caused by a lightning strike. All up the fire destroyed about 55,000 hectares. NSW RFS said it also damaged about 5,700 kilometres of fencing, and killed 2,000 sheep, 56 cattle, 90 goats, 26 dogs and cats, 36 poultry, and three alpacas. The toll from the fire included - 35 homes destroyed, 11 homes damaged, 1 church destroyed, 1 community hall destroyed, 131 outbuildings destroyed, 42 damaged. It was declared a natural disaster on February 14, 2017. Like these photos? Selected images available from www.fairfaxphotos.com. Follow us on Twitter and check out our Clique Photo Club. It is free to join.