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latest news

Second referendum on independence?

18/03/2017: SNP fire the starting gun but offer no solutions to austerity


National day of strikes and protests shows Temer can be beaten

17/03/2017: For a one-day general strike as the next step


South Africa
Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia

17/03/2017: Capitalist politicians use xenophobia to divert attention from failures of profit system

  South Africa

Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government

16/03/2017: Oppose Wilders and the ‘mainstream’ right – Build a mass workers’ party that struggles for socialism


Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies

16/03/2017: International campaign needed to force companies to pay


Hong Kong
Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman

14/03/2017: Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

  Hong Kong

Ireland North
Snap election raises sectarian temperature    

14/03/2017: Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

  Ireland North

Counter protest against far-right

13/03/2017: Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left


 International Women's Day
Speech by Kshama Sawant

12/03/2017: Video of 8 March rally in Seattle


 International Women’s Day
Millions join marches and take action

10/03/2017: Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression


 Hong Kong
Women’s march against sexism and racism

09/03/2017: International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”


Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike

08/03/2017: ‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights


Political spectacle of the ruling class

08/03/2017: Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party


 International Women’s Day 2017
A century on from the Russian Revolution

06/03/2017: Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger


Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won

06/03/2017: Up to 250,000 march in national protest, organised from below


Price hikes hit workers and middle classes

04/03/2017: Falling support for dictator Sisi portends growing opposition


Hong Kong’s sham election

03/03/2017: Pan-democrats sink to new low by supporting “lesser evil” John Tsang

  Hong Kong

Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress

02/03/2017: Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, speaks


“Who could believe it?"

24/02/2017: What is behind Trump's attack?


Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty

23/02/2017: Defend the right to protest - stop this political vendetta!

  Ireland Republic

A web of intrigue sparks government crisis

22/02/2017: Smear campaign against a prominent police whistleblower

  Ireland Republic

February revolution 1917
What lessons for today?

21/02/2017: 23 February 1917 (8 March in today’s calendar) marked the beginning of the socialist revolution in Russia, which sparked a revolutionary wave that would travel around the world.

  Russian Revolution

International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers

20/02/2017: Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

  Solidarity, Yemen

Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections

18/02/2017: Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?


Council cuts can be fought - and they must be

16/02/2017: Corbyn needs to stand up to Brexit rebels


Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress

15/02/2017: Time to build the class struggle on the streets


A socialist strategy to defeat Trump

14/02/2017: Escalate the resistance toward shutdowns on March 8 and May 1!


Greens back SNP government austerity budget

13/02/2017: TUSC council elections candidates put forward 100% anti-austerity programme


Upheaval in Tamil Nadu

09/02/2017: Corruption, nepotism, and other crimes of ruling party exposed



Socialistisch AlternatiefCWI in Netherlands: Socialistisch Alternatief
Socialistisch Alternatief, PO Box 11561, 1001 GN Amsterdam, Netherlands, + 31 (0)6 2646 2521, email

Netherlands: Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government

16/03/2017, Oppose Wilders and the ‘mainstream’ right – Build a mass workers’ party that struggles for socialism
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam

Netherlands: Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections

18/02/2017, Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam

Netherlands: After Brexit, are we heading towards ‘Nexit’?

07/07/2016, Right populist Geert Wilders promises: “Our turn is next”
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam

Netherlands: Dutch say ‘No’ to EU-Ukraine Treaty

11/04/2016, Major blow against “endless austerity” Liberal/Labour government
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam

Netherlands: Election setback for Labour Party

30/03/2015, Main parties guarantee austerity - A mass party of the Left with a socialist programme needed
Pieter Brans, Amsterdam

Netherlands: Wave of student protests

05/03/2015, For democratic reforms and end to budget cuts
Bas de Ruiter, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands)

Netherlands: Socialist Party local election gains

31/03/2014, Vote for SP can be the basis for a mass struggle against cuts
Pieter Brans, Amsterdam

Netherlands: An “employers’ paradise”

16/12/2013, But tide begins to turn as workers startto take action
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands)

Netherlands: Thousands demonstrate against government cuts

28/09/2013, Dutch people want a real alternative to austerity
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Netherlands: Recession,with no end in sight

12/09/2013, As austerity shock-effects wear off, workers’ opposition will grow
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Netherlands: New coalition government heralds deep cuts

21/12/2012, 15% of Dutch population faces poverty conditions
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Dutch Elections: Liberals and Labour win; Socialist Party stuck on 15 seats

13/09/2012, New coalition government promises austerity politics – Workers’ will resist!
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Dutch Elections: Labour Party makes a comeback in polls

11/09/2012, Socialist Party reneging on retirement disappoints workers
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Netherlands elections: Socialist Party polling strongly

05/09/2012, Socialist policies needed to oppose austerity and to win majority support!
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Netherlands: Socialist Party leads in polls ahead of September general election

10/07/2012, Working class faces battle against cuts
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Netherlands: Opposition Socialist Party surges to first place in polls

13/02/2012, Workers need a party with anti-cuts, socialist policies not coalitions with capitalist parties!
Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands) Amsterdam

Further articles on 'Netherlands':









Featured in: Netherlands


Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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