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latest news

Hong Kong
Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman

14/03/2017: Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

  Hong Kong

Ireland North
Snap election raises sectarian temperature    

14/03/2017: Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

  Ireland North

Counter protest against far-right

13/03/2017: Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left


 International Women's Day
Speech by Kshama Sawant

12/03/2017: Video of 8 March rally in Seattle


 International Women’s Day
Millions join marches and take action

10/03/2017: Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression


 Hong Kong
Women’s march against sexism and racism

09/03/2017: International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”


Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike

08/03/2017: ‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights


Political spectacle of the ruling class

08/03/2017: Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party


 International Women’s Day 2017
A century on from the Russian Revolution

06/03/2017: Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger


Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won

06/03/2017: Up to 250,000 march in national protest, organised from below


Price hikes hit workers and middle classes

04/03/2017: Falling support for dictator Sisi portends growing opposition


Hong Kong’s sham election

03/03/2017: Pan-democrats sink to new low by supporting “lesser evil” John Tsang

  Hong Kong

Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress

02/03/2017: Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, speaks


“Who could believe it?"

24/02/2017: What is behind Trump's attack?


Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty

23/02/2017: Defend the right to protest - stop this political vendetta!

  Ireland Republic

A web of intrigue sparks government crisis

22/02/2017: Smear campaign against a prominent police whistleblower

  Ireland Republic

February revolution 1917
What lessons for today?

21/02/2017: 23 February 1917 (8 March in today’s calendar) marked the beginning of the socialist revolution in Russia, which sparked a revolutionary wave that would travel around the world.

  Russian Revolution

International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers

20/02/2017: Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

  Solidarity, Yemen

Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections

18/02/2017: Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?


Council cuts can be fought - and they must be

16/02/2017: Corbyn needs to stand up to Brexit rebels


Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress

15/02/2017: Time to build the class struggle on the streets


A socialist strategy to defeat Trump

14/02/2017: Escalate the resistance toward shutdowns on March 8 and May 1!


Greens back SNP government austerity budget

13/02/2017: TUSC council elections candidates put forward 100% anti-austerity programme


Upheaval in Tamil Nadu

09/02/2017: Corruption, nepotism, and other crimes of ruling party exposed


Universal basic income demand gains ground

08/02/2017: What approach should socialists take?


Workers protest at parliament against TOTAL and G4S

07/02/2017: Security workers demand wages and arrest of colleagues’ killers


CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification

06/02/2017: Joint declaration of the CWI’s IEC and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s IEC


After Sarkozy, Juppé and Valls, now Fillon is on the way out

06/02/2017: Space opening up to left of Socialist Party


Biggest street protests since 1989

04/02/2017: What position should the left take?


Is an end to the war in sight?

03/02/2017: New movements for change will need to arm themselves with the lessons of the Syrian tragedy


Terrorist Attack in Québec City

01/02/2017: Counter terrorism and hate with solidarity



Counter protest against far-right, 13/03/2017
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left

Michele Hehn, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec)

On Saturday March 4 in Montreal, the newly created Canadian Council of Concerned Citizens gathered in the bitter cold to protest a proposed federal measure (M103) that condemns  Islamophobia. They were met by a counter protest consisting of left groups, including Socialist Alternative, the ‘Resist Trump’ network and the ‘Parti Révolutionnaire Communiste’. Though press accounts estimated a total of 400 people, divided equally over both camps, the counter-protest appeared larger by 50 to 100 people.

Though there was no physical evidence of the CCCC itself, its composition could be inferred by the large number of flags from the far right ‘La Meute’ (Wolfpack) and Pégida-Québec, a local branch of the anti-immigrant German group. Protesters and counter-protesters were quickly separated by the huge police force. The counter demonstrators chanted “Bienvenue aux immigrants” (Welcome immigrants), “Tout le monde déteste les fascistes” (Everybody hates fascists), and The Spanish Civil War slogan “No pasarán”.

After a 2-hour face-off, the right forces took off on a march, with a subset of the left forces marching separately. The protest, one of many scheduled the same day throughout Canada and Quebec, marks a come-back for the far-right, which had been widely discredited after the killing of 6 Muslim men in a mosque in Quebec City just 6 weeks ago. At that time, a spokesman for La Meute denounced the killings, a position consistent with its claims against racist hate speech. But the rhetoric of its website- a toxic brew of Islamophobia, nostalgia and right-wing populism - is a page from the playbook of France’s National Front, which La Meute openly admires. Like the NF’s leader, Marine Le Pen, La Meute seeks to appear reasonable and conciliatory by way of obtaining a wider hearing. But La Meute’s dissociation from the Quebec City massacre has to be seen in the context of its overall rhetoric, as well as growing Islamophobic feeling throughout Quebec and the rest of Canada, as attested to by the thousands of hate mails and death threats received by Iqra Khalid, the Member of Parliament from Mississauga, Ontario, who initiated motion 103.

Unfortunately, an article about the protest in the mainstream online newspaper seems all too willing to take La Meute’s pacifist claims about itself at face value, describing their presence at the protest as “calm” and praising their “non-racist discourse during the entire gathering”. On the other hand, the article criticizes anti-fascist forces for “chanting numerous slogans accusing the other side of being ‘fascist’ and “racist’”. A group that conflates Muslims with Islamists, and regards the presence of Muslims in Quebec as a threat is racist, and left-wing protesters are right to say so. At the same time, it is important that the left doesn’t limit itself to accusatory labels, but offers clear responses to tackle the conditions that lead to these groups gaining an audience.  

In the present climate, a Quebec province-wide measure like M103, though not an end in itself, is important, to condemn Islamophobia and isolate the far right. But instead, just weeks after the horror in Quebec City, the governing Liberal Party revived Bill 62, a measure to achieve “neutrality” of church and state, and forbid the wearing of clothing that covers the face by judges, police and prison guards. The bill in its earliest version was strongly influenced by the Bouchard-Taylor Report on Cultural and Religious Accommodation of 2008, which called for measures against the wearing of “religious symbols” by “authority figures”. But after the killings in Quebec City, even one of the two authors, Charles Taylor, a prominent Quebec academic and philosopher, revealed in an interview with Radio Canada that he no longer supports his original position against the wearing of religious symbols because it  stigmatizes” Muslims.

Despite the clear political opening offered by Taylor, all three opposition parties, the Parti Québecois, Coalition Avenir Québec and Québec Solidaire, collectively proposed an amendment to bill 62 that retains the original framework of Bouchard Taylor, including its clothing ban, a move that was loudly denounced by Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard as inflammatory. But Couillard’s own commitment to religious “neutrality” was quickly exposed when a foot-high crucifix was removed from a Quebec City hospital in consequence of the new law. In the face of loud right-wing and Catholic church pressure, Couillard capitulated, asserting that “we can’t turn our back on our history” and allowing the return of the crucifix to its original location in a public institution.

In addition to sending dithering, mixed messages, the mainstream parties, as well as the union leaderships, have effectively delegated the job of fighting the far right to independent left forces. At the same time, the fact that the Quebec and Canadian far right are coming together under the umbrella of the CCCC is evidence of its growing strength. In order to meet these challenges, the left will need to come up with points that can unite and widen the forces fighting the far right, and build a mass party of struggle to truly represent working class communities as an alternative to the threatening forces of racist reaction. Whether this can be achieved is a key question for the left, in Quebec as in the rest of Canada.




Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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International Women’s Day: Widespread action in the former Soviet Union and in Brazil
15/03/2017, CWI reporters :
Demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur and Paris

Hong Kong: Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman
14/03/2017, Sally Tang Mei-ching, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) :
Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

Quebec: Counter protest against far-right
13/03/2017, Michele Hehn, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec) :
Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left

International Women's Day: Speech by Kshama Sawant
12/03/2017, :
Video of 8 March rally in Seattle

International Women’s Day: Millions join marches and take action
10/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression

Hong Kong: Women’s march against sexism and racism
09/03/2017, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) reporters:
International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”

Spain: Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike
08/03/2017, Sindicato de Estudiantes, students’ union in the Spanish state :
‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights

Pakistan: Political spectacle of the ruling class
08/03/2017, Tariq Shahzad, National Organiser of IYWM (International Youth and Workers Movement) :
Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party

Britain: Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won
06/03/2017, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) deputy general secretary :
Up to 250,000 march in national protest, organised from below

Egypt: Price hikes hit workers and middle classes
04/03/2017, David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) :
Falling support for dictator Sisi portends growing opposition

Hong Kong’s sham election
03/03/2017, Dikang, Socialist Action:
Pan-democrats sink to new low by supporting “lesser evil” John Tsang

US: Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress
Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, speaks

Catalonia: Historic demonstration in Barcelona in support of refugees
25/02/2017, Esquerra Revolucionària :
'Volem acollir'

Sweden: “Who could believe it?"

24/02/2017, Per-Åke Westerlund, Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI Sweden):
What is behind Trump's attack?

Britain/Ireland: Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty
23/02/2017, Neil Cafferky, from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party, England & Wales):
Defend the right to protest - stop this political vendetta!

Ireland: A web of intrigue sparks government crisis
22/02/2017, By Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Smear campaign against a prominent police whistleblower

Yemen: International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers
Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

Netherlands: Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections
18/02/2017, Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam:
Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?

Solidarity: French presidential candidate Mélenchon backs #JobstownNotGuilty campaign
17/02/2017, :
Support the international solidarity campaign

Britain: Council cuts can be fought - and they must be
16/02/2017, Editorial comments from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) :
Corbyn needs to stand up to Brexit rebels

Spain: Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress
15/02/2017, Izquierda Revolucionaria, Spain:
Time to build the class struggle on the streets

US: A socialist strategy to defeat Trump
14/02/2017, Kshama Sawant, Seattle City Council Woman and member of Socialist Alternative :
Escalate the resistance toward shutdowns on March 8 and May 1!

Greece: Athens’ bus cleaners win bulk of wages owed
14/02/2017, Eleni Mitsou (Xekinima - CWI Greece) and Apostolis Cassimere’s (Board Member of OASA - Athens Bus Workers’ Union):
The struggle continues!

Scotland: Greens back SNP government austerity budget
13/02/2017, Matt Dobson, Socialist Paty Scotland (CWI), Glasgow:
TUSC council elections candidates put forward 100% anti-austerity programme

Yemen: Workers protest at parliament against TOTAL and G4S
Security workers demand wages and arrest of colleagues’ killers

Romania: Biggest street protests since 1989
04/02/2017, Mâna de Lucru (CWI supporters in Romania):
What position should the left take?

CWI Comment and Analysis


Ireland North: Snap election raises sectarian temperature    
14/03/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast :
Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

International Women’s Day 2017: A century on from the Russian Revolution
06/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI :
Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger

February revolution 1917: What lessons for today?
21/02/2017, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), printed in the Socialist (paper of the Socialist Party):
23 February 1917 (8 March in today’s calendar) marked the beginning of the socialist revolution in Russia, which sparked a revolutionary wave that would travel around the world.

India: Upheaval in Tamil Nadu
09/02/2017, Sajith Attepuram, New Socialist Alternative (NSA) (CWI India) :
Corruption, nepotism, and other crimes of ruling party exposed

Britain: Universal basic income demand gains ground
08/02/2017, Judy Beishon, from The Socialist (weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales) :
What approach should socialists take?

CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification
06/02/2017, :
Joint declaration of the CWI’s IEC and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s IEC

France: After Sarkozy, Juppé and Valls, now Fillon is on the way out
06/02/2017, Alex Rouillard, Gauche Révolutionnaire (CWI in France) :
Space opening up to left of Socialist Party

Syria: Is an end to the war in sight?
03/02/2017, Serge Jordan (CWI) :
New movements for change will need to arm themselves with the lessons of the Syrian tragedy

Sri Lanka: The year 2017
31/01/2017, Siritunga Jayasuriya, United Socialist Party (CWI in Sri Lanka) :
Between oppression and struggle

Canada: Where are Trudeau’s ‘Sunny Ways’?
31/01/2017, Tim Heffernan, Socialist Alternative (CWI Canada), Toronto

Battles of Indigenous peoples, youth, workers will test Liberal government

Russian Revolution Centenary: January 1917 - On the eve of revolution
29/01/2017, Niall Mulholland, from :
War, hunger, hated Tsarist regime: class tensions reach breaking point

Afghanistan: The limits of US power
28/01/2017, Judy Beishon, from Socialism Today (February 2017 issue), monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)<br />
<br />
Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions

US: Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!
27/01/2017, Bryan Koulouris, Socialist Alternative, US :
Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes

Millions on women's marches around the world
25/01/2017, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) and reports from US marches :
Reports from mass women's marches against Trump

China: New US President’s approach to China
21/01/2017, Vincent Kolo, :
Outbursts raise fears of confrontation

Ireland North: Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly
17/01/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast :
Build a socialist alternative to the ‘Orange’ versus ‘Green’ headcount

Spain: What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?
17/01/2017, Izquierda Revolucionaria, Spanish state, editorial :
Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party

US: Trump prepares vicious attacks
05/01/2017, Philip Locker and Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative (US):
Mass resistance needed!

Russian Revolution centenary
02/01/2017, Editorial from Socialism Today, Dec/Jan 2017 edition:
Defending the legacy in a new era

2017:Upheaval and fightback will continue
01/01/2017, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary :
Everything to play for in 2017

Britain's shifting political contours
22/12/2016, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) from Socialism Today Dec/Jan 2017 edition :
Capitalist establishment in disarray

CWI International Executive Committee: European capitalism “battered by events”
16/12/2016, Kevin Henry, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Report of discussion on Europe at CWI IEC meeting in November

CWI International Executive Committee: World shaken by seismic political events
14/12/2016, Kevin Parslow, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Report of first session of the CWI International Executive Committee, discussing World Relations

World capitalism in deep crisis
08/12/2016, CWI :
Perspectives documents agreed by November CWI international meeting

Sudan: Three day nationwide strike shuts down the country, in unique defiance of Al-Bashir’s rule
30/11/2016, Serge Jordan, CWI:
Escalation of the struggle needed to overthrow repressive regime