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latest news

International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers

20/02/2017: Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

  Solidarity, Yemen

Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections

18/02/2017: Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?


Council cuts can be fought - and they must be

16/02/2017: Corbyn needs to stand up to Brexit rebels


Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress

15/02/2017: Time to build the class struggle on the streets


A socialist strategy to defeat Trump

14/02/2017: Escalate the resistance toward shutdowns on March 8 and May 1!


Greens back SNP government austerity budget

13/02/2017: TUSC council elections candidates put forward 100% anti-austerity programme


Upheaval in Tamil Nadu

09/02/2017: Corruption, nepotism, and other crimes of ruling party exposed


Universal basic income demand gains ground

08/02/2017: What approach should socialists take?


Workers protest at parliament against TOTAL and G4S

07/02/2017: Security workers demand wages and arrest of colleagues’ killers


CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification

06/02/2017: Joint declaration of the CWI’s IEC and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s IEC


After Sarkozy, Juppé and Valls, now Fillon is on the way out

06/02/2017: Space opening up to left of Socialist Party


Biggest street protests since 1989

04/02/2017: What position should the left take?


Is an end to the war in sight?

03/02/2017: New movements for change will need to arm themselves with the lessons of the Syrian tragedy


Terrorist Attack in Québec City

01/02/2017: Counter terrorism and hate with solidarity


9th Latin American school a success

31/01/2017: Over 200 participate in Sao Paolo CWI continental gathering


Sri Lanka
The year 2017

31/01/2017: Between oppression and struggle

  Sri Lanka

Where are Trudeau’s ‘Sunny Ways’?

31/01/2017: Battles of Indigenous peoples, youth, workers will test Liberal government


Airport protests help block Trump travel ban

30/01/2017: Defend immigrant communities


Russian Revolution Centenary
January 1917 - On the eve of revolution

29/01/2017: War, hunger, hated Tsarist regime: class tensions reach breaking point

  Russian Revolution

CWI member Hu Xufang forced to flee

28/01/2017: Xu and his family are victims of China’s deepening police crackdown


The limits of US power

28/01/2017: Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions


Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!

27/01/2017: Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes


Duma legislates to decriminalise domestic violence

26/01/2017: For unified struggle for women’s rights and against capitalism


Tamil Nadu
Mass protests against state repression

26/01/2017: Support the right to assemble and protest - release those arrested immediately!


Millions on women's marches around the world

25/01/2017: Reports from mass women's marches against Trump


Hartal protest against power plant

25/01/2017: Follows mass strike of garment workers in December


Côte d’Ivoire
Social revolts shake Ouattara regime

24/01/2017: Public sector strike and soldiers’ mutiny expose reality behind “economic growth”

  Ivory Coast

US foreign policy under Trump

24/01/2017: Island risks being pawn in his game


CWI joins protests around the world against Trump

23/01/2017: Photo gallery selection of CWI actions during weekend of mass protests


Kshama Sawant responds to Trump inauguration speech

23/01/2017: Socialist council member speaks


New US President’s approach to China

21/01/2017: Outbursts raise fears of confrontation


Russian Revolution Centenary
New site celebrates and defends October socialist revolution

20/01/2017: brings rich lessons of 100 years ago to wide audience


Regime increases repression

20/01/2017: Citizens forced to register with police at all times



Bangladesh: Hartal protest against power plant

25/01/2017, Follows mass strike of garment workers in December
Pete Mason, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales)

Bangladesh: Stop the Rampal power project

31/03/2016, The world’s largest mangrove forest lies on the deltas of three rivers: the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. It is here, in an area of outstanding natural beauty called the Sundarbans, that the Bangladeshi government plans to site a coal-fired power plant.
Pete Mason, Barking and Dagenham Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Bangladesh: One year on from Rana Plaza disaster

24/04/2014, Protest letter from Paul Murphy and other MEP’s

Bangladesh: Over one hundred killed in election sham

23/01/2014, Both sides mired in corruption and violence
TU Senan, CWI

Bangladesh building collapse: Casualties of a rotten profit system

03/05/2013, It is said that where labour is cheap, life is cheap. This is never more so than in the recent horrific deaths of over 400 garment workers crushed in a collapsed building in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.
The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: Revolutionary fire at Shahbagh

15/03/2013, Verdicts of the Bangladesh war crimes tribunal this February, which were widely seen as overdue and too lenient, sparked off a wave of protests in Dhaka’s Shahbagh Square and throughout the country.
Protap Debnath, New Socialist Alternative (CWI India)

Bangladesh: The birth of Bangladesh

26/12/2011, Forty years ago, Bangladesh became an independent state, breaking away from Pakistan.
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan, first published in Socialism Today

Bangladesh: Striking garment workers victimised

21/12/2010, Strikes and protests by Bangladesh garment workers continue in the face of harsh repression by the state. Following the deaths of three strikers, shot down when police opened fire on demonstrators in Chittagong on 14 December, the protests have increased.
Manny Thain, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: fighting poverty pay

27/08/2010, Strike and protest action in around 4,000 factories
Manny Thain, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales)

Textile workers: Protests in Bangladesh and Cambodia

04/08/2010, Thousands of garment workers in Bangladesh took to the streets of Dhaka to dismiss the recently announced increase in the minimum wage as completely inadequate.
The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Bangladesh: 25,000 textile workers protest against poor wages

26/10/2007, Textile workers are on the move again.
Rukhsana Manzoor, Socialist Movement of Pakistan (CWI), Lahore

Bangladesh: Military called in as political crisis continues

31/12/2006, Troops were deployed throughout Bangladesh on Sunday 11 December supposedly to “maintain law and order”, according to a Presidential order.
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan, Lahore

Bangladesh: A new haven for reactionary Islam

20/11/2006, Trade unionists and left activists under threat
Khalid Bhatti Socialist Movement Pakistan, (CWI - Pakistan), London

Bangladesh: Political tension on the rise as 28 killed in violence

04/11/2006, Danger of army intervention
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan (SMP – CWI Pakistan), Lahore

Bangladesh: “We are not slaves, treat us like humans!”

05/09/2006, Protesting Bangladeshi garment workers torch factories
Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan (SMP – CWI, Pakistan)

Bangladesh: 20,000 protesters march against British mining company

02/09/2006, 5 killed, 50 injured security force shootings
Khalid Bhatti, CWI, Pakistan

Further articles on 'Bangladesh':


Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

 further videos

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tamil solidarity campaign kazakhstan

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