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latest news

Democratic Party splits and 5-Star Movement in crisis

22/03/2017: Class struggle can build real left force


Student strike empties classes and fills streets on 9 March

21/03/2017: Over 100,000 take to the streets in SE demonstrations


Second referendum on independence?

18/03/2017: SNP fire the starting gun but offer no solutions to austerity


National day of strikes and protests shows Temer can be beaten

17/03/2017: For a one-day general strike as the next step


South Africa
Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia

17/03/2017: Capitalist politicians use xenophobia to divert attention from failures of profit system

  South Africa

Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government

16/03/2017: Oppose Wilders and the ‘mainstream’ right – Build a mass workers’ party that struggles for socialism


Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies

16/03/2017: International campaign needed to force companies to pay


Hong Kong
Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman

14/03/2017: Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

  Hong Kong

Ireland North
Snap election raises sectarian temperature    

14/03/2017: Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

  Ireland North

Counter protest against far-right

13/03/2017: Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left


 International Women's Day
Speech by Kshama Sawant

12/03/2017: Video of 8 March rally in Seattle


 International Women’s Day
Millions join marches and take action

10/03/2017: Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression


 Hong Kong
Women’s march against sexism and racism

09/03/2017: International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”


Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike

08/03/2017: ‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights


Political spectacle of the ruling class

08/03/2017: Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party


 International Women’s Day 2017
A century on from the Russian Revolution

06/03/2017: Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger


Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won

06/03/2017: Up to 250,000 march in national protest, organised from below


Price hikes hit workers and middle classes

04/03/2017: Falling support for dictator Sisi portends growing opposition


Hong Kong’s sham election

03/03/2017: Pan-democrats sink to new low by supporting “lesser evil” John Tsang

  Hong Kong

Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress

02/03/2017: Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, speaks


“Who could believe it?"

24/02/2017: What is behind Trump's attack?


Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty

23/02/2017: Defend the right to protest - stop this political vendetta!

  Ireland Republic

A web of intrigue sparks government crisis

22/02/2017: Smear campaign against a prominent police whistleblower

  Ireland Republic

February revolution 1917
What lessons for today?

21/02/2017: 23 February 1917 (8 March in today’s calendar) marked the beginning of the socialist revolution in Russia, which sparked a revolutionary wave that would travel around the world.

  Russian Revolution

International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers

20/02/2017: Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

  Solidarity, Yemen

Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections

18/02/2017: Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?


Council cuts can be fought - and they must be

16/02/2017: Corbyn needs to stand up to Brexit rebels


Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress

15/02/2017: Time to build the class struggle on the streets


A socialist strategy to defeat Trump

14/02/2017: Escalate the resistance toward shutdowns on March 8 and May 1!



Cuba: Fidel Castro, leader of 1959 revolution, dies at 90

26/11/2016, Castro's life and the Cuban Revolution
Tony Saunois, CWI

Cuba: Obama’s visit

16/04/2016, Easing of embargo to promote US capitalist interests
Rogelio Manuel Díaz Moreno, socialist corespondent in Havana, Cuba

Cuba: At a crossroads

12/09/2015, Gains of the revolution of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro under threat
Tony Saunois, CWI

Cuba: Diplomatic relations with US restored, embargo eased

24/01/2015, Threat of capitalist restoration accelerates
Tony Saunois, CWI

Cuba: Threat of capitalist restoration

02/11/2010, New pro-capitalist measures introduced by Raul Castro
Tony Saunois, CWI

‘Che Guevara – symbol of struggle’

16/04/2010, New foreword to Chinese edition to be published in June 2010 | China, Maoism, Nepal and India.
Tony Saunois, CWI

Cuba: 50 years since the Revolution

21/01/2009, End the sanctions! For workers’ democracy to defend and extend social gains!
Marcus Kollbrunner, Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI Brazil)

Cuba: ‘My life– Fidel Castro’

02/04/2008, Book review
Tony Saunois, CWI

Cuba: Castro’s resignation opens up new chapter

21/02/2008, What are the prospects for the revolution?
Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales)

Cuba: What will happen after Castro?

25/09/2006, US imperialism certainly expects ‘regime change’, not just in the government of Cuba but also in its social system.
Peter Taaffe

Cuba: Can the revolution survive?

31/01/2005, What are the prospects for Cuba today?
Peter Taaffe, cwi

Cuba: How to defend the Cuban revolution

26/04/2003, Following its "victory" in Iraq, North American imperialism, headed by the Bush/Rumsfeld duo, wants to use its "triumph" to strengthen its dominant world position. The invasion of Iraq was in the first place for oil and also formed part of a much broader plan of imposing its domination in other areas of the planet. This is now seen in the threats being made against Syria and the brazen intervention it has made in Cuba.
Celso Calfullan, Socialismo Revolucionario, Chile

Cuba: Socialism and Democracy

31/05/2000, Peter Taaffe, International Secretariat of the CWI and general secretary of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Featured in: Cuba


Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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tamil solidarity campaign kazakhstan

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Che Guevara: Símbolo de Lucha

Por Tony Saunois

A socialist world is possible, the history of the cwi with new introduction by Peter Planning green growth, a contribution to the debate on enviromental sustainability