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Committee for a Workers' International   -   CWI / CIT

Website of the Committee for a Workers' International

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latest 100 articles:

22/03/2017: Italy: Democratic Party splits and 5-Star Movement in crisis
21/03/2017: Belarus: Protesters flood onto streets demanding scrapping of “law against parasites”
21/03/2017: Spain: Student strike empties classes and fills streets on 9 March
18/03/2017: Scotland: Second referendum on independence?
17/03/2017: Brazil: National day of strikes and protests shows Temer can be beaten

17/03/2017: South Africa: Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia
16/03/2017: International Women’s Day: March in Malaysia and week of activity in Belgium
16/03/2017: Netherlands: Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government
16/03/2017: Yemen: Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies
16/03/2017: Russian Revolution: March 1917 - After the fall of Czarism, what next for the revolution?
15/03/2017: International Women’s Day: Widespread action in the former Soviet Union and in Brazil
14/03/2017: Hong Kong: Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman
14/03/2017: Ireland North: Snap election raises sectarian temperature    
13/03/2017: Quebec: Counter protest against far-right
12/03/2017: International Women's Day: Speech by Kshama Sawant
10/03/2017: International Women’s Day: Millions join marches and take action
09/03/2017: Hong Kong: Women’s march against sexism and racism
08/03/2017: Spain: Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike
08/03/2017: Pakistan: Political spectacle of the ruling class
06/03/2017: International Women’s Day 2017: A century on from the Russian Revolution
06/03/2017: Britain: Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won
04/03/2017: Egypt: Price hikes hit workers and middle classes
03/03/2017: Hong Kong’s sham election
02/03/2017: US: Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress
25/02/2017: Catalonia: Historic demonstration in Barcelona in support of refugees
24/02/2017: Sweden: “Who could believe it?"

23/02/2017: Britain/Ireland: Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty
22/02/2017: Ireland: A web of intrigue sparks government crisis
21/02/2017: February revolution 1917: What lessons for today?
20/02/2017: Yemen: International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers
18/02/2017: Netherlands: Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections
17/02/2017: Solidarity: French presidential candidate Mélenchon backs #JobstownNotGuilty campaign
16/02/2017: Britain: Council cuts can be fought - and they must be
15/02/2017: Spain: Pablo Iglesias wins clear victory in Podemos congress
14/02/2017: US: A socialist strategy to defeat Trump
14/02/2017: Greece: Athens’ bus cleaners win bulk of wages owed
13/02/2017: Scotland: Greens back SNP government austerity budget
09/02/2017: India: Upheaval in Tamil Nadu
08/02/2017: Britain: Universal basic income demand gains ground
07/02/2017: Yemen: Workers protest at parliament against TOTAL and G4S
06/02/2017: CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification
06/02/2017: France: After Sarkozy, Juppé and Valls, now Fillon is on the way out
04/02/2017: Romania: Biggest street protests since 1989
03/02/2017: Syria: Is an end to the war in sight?
01/02/2017: Quebec: Terrorist Attack in Québec City
31/01/2017: CWI: 9th Latin American school a success
31/01/2017: Sri Lanka: The year 2017
31/01/2017: Canada: Where are Trudeau’s ‘Sunny Ways’?
30/01/2017: US: Airport protests help block Trump travel ban
29/01/2017: Russian Revolution Centenary: January 1917 - On the eve of revolution
28/01/2017: China: CWI member Hu Xufang forced to flee
28/01/2017: Afghanistan: The limits of US power
27/01/2017: US: Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!
26/01/2017: Russia: Duma legislates to decriminalise domestic violence
26/01/2017: Tamil Nadu: Mass protests against state repression
25/01/2017: Millions on women's marches around the world
25/01/2017: Bangladesh: Hartal protest against power plant
24/01/2017: Côte d’Ivoire: Social revolts shake Ouattara regime
24/01/2017: Taiwan: US foreign policy under Trump
23/01/2017: US: CWI joins protests around the world against Trump
23/01/2017: US: Kshama Sawant responds to Trump inauguration speech
21/01/2017: China: New US President’s approach to China
20/01/2017: Russian Revolution Centenary: New site celebrates and defends October socialist revolution
20/01/2017: Kazakhstan: Regime increases repression
20/01/2017: US: Global resistance against Trump’s inauguration
20/01/2017: Portugal: Purge in the Left Bloc
17/01/2017: Ireland North: Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly
17/01/2017: Spain: What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?
16/01/2017: India: Struggle against land grab in Pune
16/01/2017: Book Reviews: Trotsky and February 1917
14/01/2017: Tunisia: Six years after the fall of Ben Ali, demands of revolution still to be realised
13/01/2017: US: Seattle activists win $29 million for house building
12/01/2017: Palestine/Israel: Everyday life under occupation
10/01/2017: Mexico: Mass movement against “gasolinazo”
10/01/2017: US: Growing calls to “take back” Democratic Party
09/01/2017: Ireland South: Apollo House occupation taps into mood of anger over homelessness
07/01/2017: Book Review: ‘A Very British Ending’
06/01/2017: Ireland North: 'Cash for ash' scandal rocks power-sharing Executive
05/01/2017: Chile: The state is murdering Machi Francisca Linconao
05/01/2017: US: Trump prepares vicious attacks
04/01/2017: Hong Kong: CY Leung forced out!
03/01/2017: Sri Lanka: Island Nation - hell in 'paradise'
02/01/2017: Russian Revolution centenary
01/01/2017: 2017:Upheaval and fightback will continue
30/12/2016: Iranian “election”
26/12/2016: Review: The Iron Heel
24/12/2016: Britain: Labour's nuclear conflict
23/12/2016: Germany: Berlin Christmas market tragedy
23/12/2016: US: Inaugurate the resistance
23/12/2016: Austria: Victory & defeat for everyone & noone
22/12/2016: Yemen: Three employees found killed, as workers demand unpaid wages
22/12/2016: Britain's shifting political contours
20/12/2016: Romania: New government, old policies
19/12/2016: Kazakhstan: Fifth anniversary of Zhanaozen massacre
19/12/2016: Solidarity: Global days of protest to #ResistTrump
17/12/2016: Britain: Establishment EU crisis deepens
16/12/2016: CWI International Executive Committee: European capitalism “battered by events”
15/12/2016: Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump
15/12/2016: Greece: Athens bus cleaners once again out in struggle
14/12/2016: CWI International Executive Committee: World shaken by seismic political events

Brazil: National day of strikes and protests shows Temer can be beaten

17/03/2017, André Ferrari LSR (CWI in Brazil)

For a one-day general strike as the next step

Italy: Democratic Party splits and 5-Star Movement in crisis

22/03/2017, Marco Veruggio, ControCorrrente, (CWI in Italy)

Class struggle can build real left force

Belarus: Protesters flood onto streets demanding scrapping of “law against parasites”

21/03/2017, Daniil Raskolnikov (translation of article from the Russian CWI site

President Lukashenko must go!

Spain: Student strike empties classes and fills streets on 9 March

21/03/2017, Sindicato de Estudiantes (SE), Spanish Students' Union

Over 100,000 take to the streets in SE demonstrations

Scotland: Second referendum on independence?

18/03/2017, Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI)

SNP fire the starting gun but offer no solutions to austerity

South Africa: Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia

17/03/2017, Shaun Arendse, Workers and Socialist Party (CWI South Africa)

Capitalist politicians use xenophobia to divert attention from failures of profit system

International Women’s Day: March in Malaysia and week of activity in Belgium


Reports from Kuala Lumpur and Brussels

Netherlands: Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government

16/03/2017, Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam

Oppose Wilders and the ‘mainstream’ right – Build a mass workers’ party that struggles for socialism

Yemen: Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies

16/03/2017, Cedric Gerome, CWI

International campaign needed to force companies to pay

Russian Revolution: March 1917 - After the fall of Czarism, what next for the revolution?


New article on

International Women’s Day: Widespread action in the former Soviet Union and in Brazil

15/03/2017, CWI reporters

Demonstrations in Paris...

Hong Kong: Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman

14/03/2017, Sally Tang Mei-ching, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong)

Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

Ireland North: Snap election raises sectarian temperature    

14/03/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast

Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

Quebec: Counter protest against far-right

13/03/2017, Michele Hehn, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec)

Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left

International Women's Day: Speech by Kshama Sawant


Video of 8 March rally in Seattle

International Women’s Day: Millions join marches and take action

10/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI

Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression

Hong Kong: Women’s march against sexism and racism

09/03/2017, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) reporters

International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”

Spain: Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike

08/03/2017, Sindicato de Estudiantes, students’ union in the Spanish state

‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights

Pakistan: Political spectacle of the ruling class

08/03/2017, Tariq Shahzad, National Organiser of IYWM (International Youth and Workers Movement)

Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party

International Women’s Day 2017: A century on from the Russian Revolution

06/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI

Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger

committee for a workers' international
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Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760
Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793

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