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Democratic Party splits and 5-Star Movement in crisis

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Student strike empties classes and fills streets on 9 March

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South Africa
Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia

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  South Africa

Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government

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Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies

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Hong Kong
Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman

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  Hong Kong

Ireland North
Snap election raises sectarian temperature    

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  Ireland North

Counter protest against far-right

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 International Women's Day
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 International Women’s Day
Millions join marches and take action

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 Hong Kong
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Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike

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  Ireland Republic

A web of intrigue sparks government crisis

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February revolution 1917
What lessons for today?

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  Russian Revolution

International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers

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  Solidarity, Yemen

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Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies, 16/03/2017
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

International campaign needed to force companies to pay

Cedric Gerome, CWI

A shorter version of this article appeared on the Daily Vox website.
It is in the nature of capitalism to turn every human disaster into an opportunity to make profit. The war in Yemen has not only destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of civilians; it has also created a landscape whereby multinational corporations can more easily behave like outright gangsters in robbing their workers.
The French energy giant multinational TOTAL has been active in Yemen for more than 25 years. The protection of its facilities and installations has been carried out by workers employed as security guards via a subcontract with the British company G4S.
G4S is the largest security firm in the world, and of notorious reputation. It was named a “serial abuser of human rights” by the British trade union UNITE for its involvement in countless scandals and human rights abuses around the world, ranging from the torture of prisoners in Guantanamo bay to its complicity with the Israeli State forces’ occupation of Palestinian territories.    
At TOTAL facilities in Yemen, exploitative working conditions were the norm. Guards were often on 12-hour or even 24-hour shifts, despite the Yemen labour code requiring working days not to exceed 8 hours.
“I learned on TV that TOTAL had left Yemen”
After having made huge profits through the exploitation of Yemeni workers for years in peacetime conditions, the two companies have used the circumstances of the war for a “hit-and-run” wage robbery. They assumed they could get away with it thanks to the international media blackout on Yemen and to the dysfunctional and collapsing state infrastructure in the country.
TOTAL and G4S halted most of their activities in Yemen in 2015, but did so with utter disregard for the prevailing labour legislation. Under Yemeni labour law, the employer is required to give workers at least 30 days of advance notice of dismissal, and to pay severance pay for damages sustained as a result of the contract termination. TOTAL and G4S left without giving any compensation, nor even any notice to the 208 security guards who were working under their authority.
Rabbi Atiah, who worked as security agent for eleven years, explains: “I did not know that the two companies had left Yemen. No notice from any competent authority or the government reached me to inform me that the company was about to leave. I was surprised that TOTAL and G4S had left Yemen without any knowledge or notice”.
Some local workers employed by TOTAL, such as the drivers hired via a local group called Almaz, were notified of their redundancy via text message. The G4S guards were not notified at all. “In the end of December 2015 I learned watching TV that TOTAL had left Yemen”, argues Mohsin Omar Almashdali, also a longstanding TOTAL/G4S security worker.
Following a judicial procedure in December 2015 before the Labour Arbitration Commission of Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, the premises of TOTAL were seized. The two companies were ordered to pay the workers’ wages and other rights until the termination of their contracts, and the guards were ordered to continue protecting TOTAL buildings until this materialises. But the court decision was wilfully ignored by both companies. Local authorities have done nothing to enforce these decisions, and workers have tirelessly fought ever since to demand their rights.
Some workers, under duress and in a desperate situation, have accepted money to stop the struggle. However, 115 of them have continued to work, unpaid, until this very day, and to fight for the wages and other rights they are entitled to. They have stood firm in their heroic struggle, for example by holding several street protests in Sana’a, despite the ban on demonstrations imposed by the Houthi rebels who took power in the capital at the end of 2014.
They have also courageously resisted the mafia-like intimidation methods used to silence them, which has included death threats and kidnappings by armed gangs directly connected to the management of these companies.
Terror used against workers
We asked Sabri Al-Obaiy, who has worked as security guard for TOTAL since 2000, if he had received any threats because of his involvement in this struggle. “Yes, an armed gang tried to kill me”, he answered. “Yes, many times,” his colleague, Abdulalim Hamoud Mohammed, who has been a security guards’ supervisor for this company for eight years, echoed. In fact, none of the workers we have spoken to seem to have escaped these pressures. One of them was even abducted and tortured in an unknown place for two days.
Last December, Mohammad Alzubide, Ali Al Sanhani and Abdurhaman Kieran, three security guards in their twenties, were shot dead by an armed gang as they were working on court-mandated duty protecting a TOTAL compound involving 50 electricity generators in Sana’a. In possession of a ruling impounding the company’s assets to protect their rights and salaries, the six workers present on the site refused to let the armed crew take the place over; and half of them were gunned down as a result.
Not the slightest doubt surfaces when the workers are asked who ordered the killing of their colleagues. Sabri says “I am sure that TOTAL and G4S are responsible because they are thieves, they robbed the people’s rights and the resources of my country. The killers have not been arrested because they follow individuals with a strong influence.”
Abdulalim seconds this: “Those responsible are TOTAL and G4S, because they wouldn’t want to pay the wages and respect labour rights. The killers are running free because TOTAL and G4S are paying a lot of money to hide the crime; they are also exploiting the war.”
According to the guards who were eye-witnesses to the December shooting and barely escaped death themselves, the leader of the armed gang is a man named Abou Mustafaa Mohammed Jameel, who happens to be the current vice-general manager of G4S Yemen. With him was allegedly another man called Mohammed Kilah, a relative of Faris Sanabani, the de facto current owner of G4S Yemen. Sanabani is a rich magnate with a British passport, media holder and former press secretary of the ex-Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who helped the latter’s clan to stash its money abroad.
G4S denies any links with the entity presently operating under its name and logo in Yemen, arguing that it stopped all operations in the country in June 2015. Sanabani, one of the shareholders, appointed a new management team after that date to carry on the business, apparently without G4S’s consent. Contacted to clarify, Caroline Skinner, the Regional General Counsel of G4S Middle East & India, explained in an email that “The entity trading in Yemen is not a G4S Company. The company is trading under Yemen management using the G4S name unlawfully and in breach of demands requiring them to cease.”
This might well be true, but does not exonerate the original company from its responsibilities in having rode roughshod over the rights of its local workforce - nor does it explain why, to the best of our knowledge, G4S has not sued the fraudulent company.
Could this be related to the fact that the mercenary job conducted by the “fake” G4S is suitably serving the interests of the original company, in silencing the voices of workers who have grievances towards that very company? In any case, indications of a direct involvement of these firms in using violence against the workers abound.
The local deputy General manager of TOTAL in Yemen, Mohammed Ajeenah, is mentioned in a police record dated from February 2016 for having used “weapons and threats of assassination” on previous occasions against security workers, via a Houthi armed militia directed by Ajeenah’s brother, Abu Al-Ezz. Then, the workers were forced out of a villa under their guard which was part of the property of TOTAL, seized by order of the court - despite Ajeenah’s claim to the contrary. Ajeenah tried to get rid of the workers from what he considered to be his personal property.   
A genuine, independent investigation involving workers’ representatives is necessary to formally connect the dots, and in order to apprehend and prosecute the individuals guilty of having stolen the three young workers’ lives. Incidentally, since the blood of Mohammad, Ali and Abdurhaman has been spilled, threats to the other workers have not stopped. For example, on January 13, 2017 at 9 pm, two armed men riding a motorcycle tried to assassinate the worker Ahmed Baha in front of his house, but missed their target.
These companies’ powerful networks of influence have provided them with a license to kill, facilitated by the climate of lawlessness in crisis-ridden Yemen, where greasing the palms of police or judicial officers in charge is child’s play.
International campaign
Sadly, the official trade unions have not been immunised from these corrupt practices. The union leaders’ dereliction of duty is one of the main factors which pushed the workers to reach out to the CWI for support in their dispute.
-“What has been the reaction of the trade unions in Yemen?”, we asked Sabri.
-“They didn’t care”.
In a situation where many Yemeni workers, in both the public and private sectors, are struggling with issues of unpaid wages, this is nothing short of scandalous. Yet there is growing outcry about the TOTAL/G4S case, spearheaded by the CWI’s involvement in an international campaign of protests, combined with a mounting anger among many employees of state-run institutions who have not been paid their salaries for months. This has forced even leading officials of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Yemen to get involved - rhetorically, of course. Practically, they have shied away from doing anything of substance to help the workers.
A member of Yemen’s Shura Council, Saleh Jolaidan, has agreed to represent and support the fighting workers from the start. “Saleh Jolaidan defended us, although at a great cost in terms of his personal interests”, Abdulalim explains. “The CWI transported our voice onto the international field”, Rabbi adds. 
A united front of struggle involving all Yemeni workers fighting for wage arrears, echoed by an escalating campaign of international dimensions by the workers’ and trade union movement, would help break the wall of silence that the corporations and authorities alike have tried to keep until now about this infamy. This would bring the employees of TOTAL and G4S closer to the full satisfaction of their demands: the arrest of the killers and the immediate payment of all the workers’ wages and rights.
The CWI, for its part, will not stop pressuring and exposing these companies until they pay out the last penny due to the workers concerned.
In a country hit by an economic embargo and an explosion of food prices, where half of the population is on the verge of famine, this has become a life-and-death issue. The workers who are victims of TOTAL and G4S’ criminal practices, along with their families who depend on their income, are facing a particularly dire situation. Some of them have seen family members, including children, starve to death; others, are incapable of paying their mortgages and have lost their homes. Some have sold their furniture to survive. “We are scared of hunger. Ramadan is coming. TOTAL should pay now”, Abdulalim says.
Factoring in social and health insurances, risk bonuses, and annual holidays which were not paid before 2015, the two companies owe today the equivalent of about $27,000 to every worker. This is less than 1% of the annual wage of the “King of cost cuts”, Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of TOTAL, who is nicknamed this way for his ruthless approach in cutting production costs in the company’s units. These two contrasting figures are not unrelated: it is to further enrich this big business elite that workers have been robbed and left to starve in one of the poorest countries on earth.
Until today and since their employers halted their operations, the workers have received no communication whatsoever from the two companies concerned. TOTAL has not even bothered to respond to our multiple attempts, since last December, to contact them in regard to this case. 
Both corporations have hidden behind a case of “force majeure” to justify the suspension of their activities in Yemen. Yet, as revealed lately in press leaks, the same “force majeure” does not seem to apply to TOTAL when it comes to extracting oil in South Yemen in collaboration with the Saudi regime - a central player in the war ravaging the country. In other words, TOTAL claims to have discontinued most of its operations due to the war, but works with Saudi forces to steal oil in the south - while at the same time, working with their enemies, the Houthis in Sana’a, in order to put down unpaid workers! 
What is happening to the TOTAL/G4S workers in Yemen does not result from a few rotten apples breaching business ethics, but is inherent to a system where labour is exploited to inflate the wealth of a few private corporations.
In fact, the local staff from other foreign companies previously operating in Yemen, such as the workers of the Norwegian oil company DNO, have faced very similar scenarios of unlawful lay-offs and wage theft. The sense of impunity of such companies has to be stopped, in Yemen and anywhere else. That is why it is in the interest of workers around the world to stand in solidarity with the courageous struggle of the TOTAL/G4S workers. 



Video: US Socialist Students build for student walkouts against Trump, 15/12/2016

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Belarus: Protesters flood onto streets demanding scrapping of “law against parasites”
21/03/2017, Daniil Raskolnikov (translation of article from the Russian CWI site
President Lukashenko must go!

Spain: Student strike empties classes and fills streets on 9 March
21/03/2017, Sindicato de Estudiantes (SE), Spanish Students' Union :
Over 100,000 take to the streets in SE demonstrations

Scotland: Second referendum on independence?
18/03/2017, Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI) :
SNP fire the starting gun but offer no solutions to austerity

South Africa: Unity against poverty, crime and xenophobia
17/03/2017, Shaun Arendse, Workers and Socialist Party (CWI South Africa):
Capitalist politicians use xenophobia to divert attention from failures of profit system

International Women’s Day: March in Malaysia and week of activity in Belgium
16/03/2017, :
Reports from Kuala Lumpur and Brussels

Netherlands: Election result a colossal defeat for austerity government
16/03/2017, Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam:
Oppose Wilders and the ‘mainstream’ right – Build a mass workers’ party that struggles for socialism

Russian Revolution: March 1917 - After the fall of Czarism, what next for the revolution?
New article on

Hong Kong: Protest against LSG Sky Chefs dismissal of union chairman
14/03/2017, Sally Tang Mei-ching, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) :
Ng Chi-Fai sacked for organising union by multinational’s Hong Kong division – international solidarity needed

Quebec: Counter protest against far-right
13/03/2017, Michele Hehn, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec) :
Rise of Islamophobia and right-wing reaction poses new challenges to the left

International Women's Day: Speech by Kshama Sawant
12/03/2017, :
Video of 8 March rally in Seattle

International Women’s Day: Millions join marches and take action
10/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Socialists around the world demand an end to women’s oppression

Hong Kong: Women’s march against sexism and racism
09/03/2017, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong) reporters:
International Women’s Day: “Solidarity with global mass protests and women’s strikes”

Spain: Hundreds of thousands participate in International Women’s day student strike
08/03/2017, Sindicato de Estudiantes, students’ union in the Spanish state :
‘Libres y Combativas’ and Sindicato de Estudiantes call strike against sexist violence and for working class women's rights

Pakistan: Political spectacle of the ruling class
08/03/2017, Tariq Shahzad, National Organiser of IYWM (International Youth and Workers Movement) :
Most workers underemployed, 40% in poverty - situation demands new workers’ party

Britain: Massive demo shows battle to save the NHS can be won
06/03/2017, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) deputy general secretary :
Up to 250,000 march in national protest, organised from below

Egypt: Price hikes hit workers and middle classes
04/03/2017, David Johnson, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) :
Falling support for dictator Sisi portends growing opposition

Hong Kong’s sham election
03/03/2017, Dikang, Socialist Action:
Pan-democrats sink to new low by supporting “lesser evil” John Tsang

US: Socialist response to Trump’s address to joint session of congress
Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, speaks

Catalonia: Historic demonstration in Barcelona in support of refugees
25/02/2017, Esquerra Revolucionària :
'Volem acollir'

Sweden: “Who could believe it?"

24/02/2017, Per-Åke Westerlund, Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI Sweden):
What is behind Trump's attack?

Britain/Ireland: Dublin's #JobstownNotGuilty
23/02/2017, Neil Cafferky, from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party, England & Wales):
Defend the right to protest - stop this political vendetta!

Ireland: A web of intrigue sparks government crisis
22/02/2017, By Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Smear campaign against a prominent police whistleblower

Yemen: International protests in support of TOTAL/G4S workers
Solidarity spreads for victims of wage robbery and killing by multinational corporations

Netherlands: Anti-immigrant Freedom Party leading polls ahead of general elections
18/02/2017, Pieter Brans, Socialist Alternative (CWI in Netherlands), Amsterdam:
Only a choice between the “regular” and far-right?

Solidarity: French presidential candidate Mélenchon backs #JobstownNotGuilty campaign
17/02/2017, :
Support the international solidarity campaign

CWI Comment and Analysis


Italy: Democratic Party splits and 5-Star Movement in crisis
22/03/2017, Marco Veruggio, ControCorrrente, (CWI in Italy) :
Class struggle can build real left force

Brazil: National day of strikes and protests shows Temer can be beaten

17/03/2017, André Ferrari LSR (CWI in Brazil) :
For a one-day general strike as the next step

Yemen: Workers and their families left to starve by multi-billionaire companies
16/03/2017, Cedric Gerome, CWI :
International campaign needed to force companies to pay

Ireland North: Snap election raises sectarian temperature    
14/03/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast :
Workers need strong socialist alternative at ballot box and in unions

International Women’s Day 2017: A century on from the Russian Revolution
06/03/2017, Clare Doyle, CWI :
Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger

February revolution 1917: What lessons for today?
21/02/2017, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), printed in the Socialist (paper of the Socialist Party):
23 February 1917 (8 March in today’s calendar) marked the beginning of the socialist revolution in Russia, which sparked a revolutionary wave that would travel around the world.

India: Upheaval in Tamil Nadu
09/02/2017, Sajith Attepuram, New Socialist Alternative (NSA) (CWI India) :
Corruption, nepotism, and other crimes of ruling party exposed

Britain: Universal basic income demand gains ground
08/02/2017, Judy Beishon, from The Socialist (weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales) :
What approach should socialists take?

CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria – Towards unification
06/02/2017, :
Joint declaration of the CWI’s IEC and Izquierda Revolucionaria’s IEC

France: After Sarkozy, Juppé and Valls, now Fillon is on the way out
06/02/2017, Alex Rouillard, Gauche Révolutionnaire (CWI in France) :
Space opening up to left of Socialist Party

Syria: Is an end to the war in sight?
03/02/2017, Serge Jordan (CWI) :
New movements for change will need to arm themselves with the lessons of the Syrian tragedy

Sri Lanka: The year 2017
31/01/2017, Siritunga Jayasuriya, United Socialist Party (CWI in Sri Lanka) :
Between oppression and struggle

Canada: Where are Trudeau’s ‘Sunny Ways’?
31/01/2017, Tim Heffernan, Socialist Alternative (CWI Canada), Toronto

Battles of Indigenous peoples, youth, workers will test Liberal government

Russian Revolution Centenary: January 1917 - On the eve of revolution
29/01/2017, Niall Mulholland, from :
War, hunger, hated Tsarist regime: class tensions reach breaking point

Afghanistan: The limits of US power
28/01/2017, Judy Beishon, from Socialism Today (February 2017 issue), monthly magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)<br />
<br />
Imperialism’s 15-year adventure a bloody catastrophe for millions

US: Build 100 days of resistance to Trump’s agenda!
27/01/2017, Bryan Koulouris, Socialist Alternative, US :
Establishment deeply divided as mass resistance explodes

Millions on women's marches around the world
25/01/2017, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) and reports from US marches :
Reports from mass women's marches against Trump

China: New US President’s approach to China
21/01/2017, Vincent Kolo, :
Outbursts raise fears of confrontation

Ireland North: Snap elections called to Stormont Assembly
17/01/2017, Daniel Waldron, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland), Belfast :
Build a socialist alternative to the ‘Orange’ versus ‘Green’ headcount

Spain: What kind of Podemos do workers and youth need?
17/01/2017, Izquierda Revolucionaria, Spanish state, editorial :
Debate within leadership touches on fundamental issues for future of party

US: Trump prepares vicious attacks
05/01/2017, Philip Locker and Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative (US):
Mass resistance needed!

Russian Revolution centenary
02/01/2017, Editorial from Socialism Today, Dec/Jan 2017 edition:
Defending the legacy in a new era

2017:Upheaval and fightback will continue
01/01/2017, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary :
Everything to play for in 2017

Britain's shifting political contours
22/12/2016, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) from Socialism Today Dec/Jan 2017 edition :
Capitalist establishment in disarray

CWI International Executive Committee: European capitalism “battered by events”
16/12/2016, Kevin Henry, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) :
Report of discussion on Europe at CWI IEC meeting in November