Anarchy comics

Anarchy Comics

Anarchy Comics was a series of comics produced by the San Francisco based publisher Last Gasp, between 1978 and 1987. Here are all four published comics in PDF format.

The comics contain mixtures of fiction, history, commentary and artwork from a range of international artists who identified as anarchist or socialist.

Anarchy Comics No.1 (1978)16.79 MB
Anarchy Comics No.2 (1979)15.89 MB
Anarchy Comics No.3 (1981)22.74 MB
Anarchy Comics No.4 (1987)18.59 MB


Feb 16 2012 11:18

This is absolutely brilliant! Cheers for this!

Feb 16 2012 20:06

Amazing, thanks! You got anything else like this lying around?

Feb 16 2012 23:57

I might have a couple of things lying up my sleeve wink

btw, I didn't scan these. I got them from somewhere else on the net smile

Feb 10 2013 13:59

bulmer you are the maaan!!
You made my day with these
I will have these printed just like a proper comic for my library!

fidel gastro
Jan 19 2016 18:17

brilliant, thankyou for posting.

Apr 18 2016 11:43

Got an interesting comment on Facebook about this, which the author agreed to be reproduced here, who said this comic changed his life, then elaborated:

Andrew Reichart wrote:
Oh, I was a kid, with barely any exposure to anarchism beyond the dictionary definition (I had encountered the word in a science fiction story and was blown away by the very idea). Found Anarchy Comics #1 at a comic book convention, and got introduced to a whole lot of threads of anarchist thought. I also got ahold of a Kropotkin book, but it was over my head at the time — so Anarchy #1 is what got me properly on my start.