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Rioting teenage detainees had sex in pool at Don Dale detention centre

Rioting teenage boy and girl detainees had sex in a swimming pool at Darwin's notorious Don Dale Youth Detention Centre, according to a ministerial briefing.

Subsequently, jail authorities gave three of the girls the morning after contraceptive pill.

A recommendation was also made that one of the boys, 17 at the time, be reported to police for having underage sex with the girls.

Details of the 2011 riot were provided to the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory by a former Labor Minister for Correctional Services, Gerry McCarthy.

A confidential ministerial briefing, dated December 28, 2011, reported on rioting at Don Dale on Christmas night and the early hours of Boxing Day.

After detainees had used cigarette lighters to activate fire alarms three times, the young prisoners were evacuated from cells to the basketball court, which was adjacent to the jail swimming pool.


Some jumped in the water.

"While the female and male detainees were in the pool it is alleged that sexual activity may have taken place. Three female and two male detainees were identified as being involved," the ministerial briefing said.

"On the morning of 26 December 2011, the primary health care provider was contacted regarding administering the 'day after pill'. The female detainees and their parents consented to the pill being administered. All detainees allegedly involved in sexual activity consented to the STI tests."

The briefing also noted: "One of the male detainees allegedly involved in the alleged sexual activity is 17 years of age and will be reported to the Police for investigation as the female detainees allegedly involved were under the age of 16 years."

There was no evidence if the investigate went ahead.

Mr McCarthy is Minister for Housing, Community Development, Community Services, Essential Services and Public Employment in the Territory's new Labor government. Previously he was minister for correctional service between 2009 and 2012.

Appearing before the commission, Mr McCarthy, who spent years teaching children in the NT school system vigorously defended his record, said he believed in terms of juvenile justice, Aboriginal children should remain "on country" than be incarcerated in the jail system.

"I have spent more than half my life working towards this," he said.

"Could we have done better? Yes, we could have. Did I have ambition to do that? Absolutely. Did I achieve that? Not yet."

Meanwhile, Dylan Voller​ –  the detainee who appearances in the Four Corners footage in a spit hood tied to a chair – was the subject of reports by local media on the weekend.

The Sunday Territorian said Voller spent part of Friday night at Lasseter's Casino in Alice Springs with a group of friends.

"Voller, the teen whose image strapped to a restraint chair was a key spark for the royal commission, was released from prison on bail last month and into the care of rehabilitation service BushMob in Alice Springs," the newspaper reported.

"Since then Voller has been spotted attending a football match and giving interviews with the local ABC. He has maintained a protest outside the royal commission's hearings in Alice Springs this week, and on Friday afternoon was photographed alongside smiling Cabinet minister Gerry McCarthy.

"Just hours after standing next to the minister, Voller was at the casino with a group of friends attempting to book a room."