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The four-day working week: is it possible?

We all want to work less - don't we? But what would that look like? And what would it mean for the economy?

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Rethinking the working week

Using his address to "start a conversation," Greens leader Richard Di Natale asked the Press Club to imagine a four day week, and a work-life balance. (Vision courtesy ABC)

Trevor enjoys his job. He wants to keep working but he would like to cut back on his hours, maybe move from a five-day week to a four-day week.

He is looking forward to the birth of his first grandchild and thinks having Fridays off could be the way to go. He no longer needs a full-time wage and he would like to spend more time with his wife, Maureen, and maybe help out when the little one arrives. If he's lucky he might even fit in an extra round of afternoon golf.

But something is stopping Trevor from asking his boss if he can reduce his hours – fear that it will be taken as a sign not that he wants to step back but that he's ready to retire. Which he isn't.

It is a story Rebecca Huntley is very familiar with.


"I have had so many men say 'I feel like asking to work less would be putting a target on my back'. There's still a very, very conservative attitude to work in Australia," says Dr Huntley, the head of research at Essential Media.

It's that conservative attitude to work that values long days sitting at a desk in an office that was on Greens leader Richard Di Natale's mind when he called for a rethink of the working week.

"It's a discussion that should include the future of work and start by questioning the entrenched political consensus that a good life can only come from more work. It's a discussion that should include the things we really value in life like relationships and being with our loved ones, leisure, sport, volunteering, creativity and all the simple things that make us happy. You know, the important things," Senator Di Natale told the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday.

"We rightly talk about the 16 per cent of people who want to work more hours, but we never hear about the more than one in four Australians who want to work less."

Of course the idea is popular. Who does not want to work less?

But, Huntley says, we've been talking about this for decades and the beguiling idea is just not that easy to turn into a reality for most people.

"There was all the work that was done in the '60s and '70s around the idea that technology would make people more productive and we'd all have three-day weeks. But what's happened is technology has made us more available to employers. Work isn't 9 to 5 any more, it's 8.30 to 5.30 and you're available by email at night and on the weekend. If you depart from that then you're not seen as a committed worker," Huntley says.

"Conservative attitudes to work still prevail. We live in our offices. Employers still think like that and they would prefer to have a workforce which are highly flexible. The missing pieces of the puzzle are age discrimination and general flexibility." 

Add to this the issue of housing affordability and the idea of working less sounds like a fantasy for anyone who cannot afford to choose time over money.

When pressed about these points Di Natale said housing affordability could be addressed by substantial changes to negative gearing and capital gains arrangements as well as the abolition of stamp duty.

Australia should also seriously consider a universal basic income. "Surely it is not beyond the reach of human capacity to go some way to addressing that issue and let's at least start the conversation," Di Natale said when pressed on how such a radical shift in working patterns would actually work.

Almost as soon as he had finished his speech there was opposition to it.

The idea was "fanciful and unaffordable," said chief executive of the Australian Industry Group Innes Willox.

"We don't need a conversation about four-day weeks and six-hour days, but we do need a conversation about how Australia's workplace relations system could be more productive and flexible."

Coalition senator and former employment minister Eric Abetz was similarly unimpressed: "The Greens' proposal to shorten the working week to four days would have a devastating impact on the Australian economy and its productive capacity."

But new ways of working – that often involve working less – do not necessarily cost countries' bottom lines, researchers say, and changing demographics mean Australia will need to become more innovative in its thinking.

The most controversial idea raised by Di Natale is a universal basic income scheme or a payment that is made to all adults  that allows people to meet their basic needs. It is not means tested and people are not required to do anything in exchange. Countries that are trialling some form of the payment include Sweden, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Canada and the Netherlands.

Andrew Scott, a professor of politics and policy at Deakin University, says Australia should include the measure in a broad discussion about working less and working differently.

He has studied the trials of universal basic income schemes in countries such as Finland, where a tightly controlled pilot project began in January this year, and likes what he sees.

He points to higher rates of productivity in Scandinavia than in Australia as evidence that an attitude that favours life over work when it comes to the work-life conundrum will not result in the economy grinding to a halt.

"Prosperous countries can do it," Scott says.

But, he warns, "jumping from where we are with one of the lowest unemployment payments to that [a universal basic income] is unrealistic".

"We need to enable people, when they lose one job, to retrain for another job without falling into poverty. The Scandinavian countries are really big on a guaranteed minimum income because they value work highly. In Australia, if you lose your job it's catastrophic. You're below the poverty line ... It's not as simple as cutting hours off one person and giving them to another."

People who are unemployed in Scandinavian countries might be out of work for longer, Scott says, but that is because they can afford to spend time retraining and then moving into another career because they have higher social security payments as well as things like unemployment insurance.

As the baby boomers age and move out of the workforce altogether, Australia's demographics will force us to deal with the issue of how we work.

Scott points to the changes to the age pension that begin on July 1 which will see the age of eligibility begin to rise. "The reality of that is going to start biting. The people who will be most affected by it are those who do hard physical work, like construction workers and nurses. How will they go working into their 60s?"

He suggests adopting the Danish attitude of "flex security" where the labour force is structured to support workers over their whole life cycle, including significant transitional phases such as parenthood and middle age when many people change careers.

University of Sydney political economist Elizabeth Hill also says it is only a matter of time before our ageing population will force changes. She points to schemes that were designed to help people do this which are not utilised, such as the Turnbull government's attempts to wind back paid parental leave and the Gillard government's "right to request laws" which gave people the right to ask their employer to consider flexible work conditions but did not compel employers to act on those requests.

"Remaining attached to the workforce is very important over the long term, particularly for retirement," says Hill, who is the co-convenor of the Work and Family Policy Roundtable. The roundtable is a group of nearly 40 researchers with expertise on work and family policy which tries to promote policy-based debate.

"In Australia we have got this attitude that the value of work is the number of bottoms on seats but can't those bottoms be sitting somewhere else or not be there at all? We've got the capacity to move in that direction if there's political will to do it."

Dr Hill says an ageing workforce unable to qualify for the pension until later in life means more of us will be working for more years but not at the same pace as we did at the early and middle stages of our careers.

This means all workers, not just those in physically demanding industries, are likely to want to reduce their hours or change the patterns of their working weeks as they get older.

While workers and researchers know this, it seems most political leaders are yet to catch up.

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