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  1. vor 14 Stunden

    “We got rid of them... We finally turned them into a Colony. That was our plan from the 1st moment” “‘Can never be better (outside the EU)’, means we’re going to make an effort so it won’t be better” Incase we were in any doubt about leaving the EU...

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  2. LibDem leader Vince Cable invites chief LibDem cheerleader Guy Verhofstad over from the Continent of Europe to promote Britain's reversal of its democratic decision to leave the European Union. This is blatant foreign interference in a British election.

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  3. vor 14 Stunden

    Do you know that most EU workers send money home! How does that help the UK economy?

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  4. vor 17 Stunden

    At some point the cult is going to have accept that the British economy is and will remain fundamentally more dynamic than the sluggish EU bloc.

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  5. vor 6 Stunden

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 "nothing to see here, move along folks" Woman, 20, punched unconscious by a man outside Middlesbrough pizza shop. The woman was hospitalised, left extremely shaken, & is unable to work due to her injuries. Described as Asian🙄🙄🙄 Read on...

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  6. 9. Mai

    Unlike Lee Rigby, Anjem Choudary is now free to walk the streets of London after serving half his sentence. Is three years really the going rate for terror related charges and treason against the British State?

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  7. vor 19 Stunden

    Theresa May’s deal commits the United Kingdom to the EU’s defence industrial policy. That means just ONE of the 22 UK vessels involved in this exercise would be guaranteed to be Built in Britain. An absolute disgrace. MPs need to start backing British shipbuilding communities.

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  8. A Brexit Secretary standing up to the EU? It will never catch on...

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  9. MPs are boosting their expenses by claiming for adult children “dependent” upon them. Energy Minister Claire Perry claimed £9,846 on top of her £22,760 standard allowance by citing her three children aged 17, 19 and 22. via

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  10. vor 6 Stunden

    A grateful nation thanks you sir! Former Conservative backer Jeremy Hosking revealed as £200,000 donor to Nigel Farage's Brexit Party via

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  11. vor 1 Stunde
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  12. 10. Mai

    Outrageous!! Please RT!! Jewish soldier slaps a Muslim toddler in front of his mother inside an Israeli hospital. The child is battling cancer. Where is the MSM? Excuse me can you please cover this!

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  13. THERESA May is refusing to set a firm resignation date as she is convinced it would make it impossible to pass her Brexit deal She wants to hang around for as long as possible Which means even more Tory donors and members will switch to the Brexit Party

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  14. vor 2 Stunden

    Good God, that picture's been air brushed hasn't it???? 😂😂😂😂😂

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  15. vor 8 Stunden

    She is SO THICK I'm cringing so much coz I can't stop watching g it it's out of this world How did she become an MP???????

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  16. vor 4 Stunden

    Pfff. Wouldn't be much of a honour addressing this bunch of Charlatans anyway so no loss Donald. Donald Trump will not be invited to address Parliament during his UK state visit

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  17. vor 5 Stunden

    Immigrants in 20s put in Kent schools with pupils as young as 11 This is happening now! Please believe me! Old news is current news! Nothing has been learnt!

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  18. vor 10 Stunden

    “This fucking clown said we’d be a new force in politics, now we’re polling at 2%. TWO. FUCKING. PERCENT.”

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  19. 7. Mai
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  20. vor 4 Stunden

    3.5 million more voters than living adults? This is unconscionable 🔥Retweet if you agree with President Trump, we need photo ID Laws in every State for every election!

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