

'Secret medicals' on public servants ruled unlawful

Public service bosses cannot obtain medical reports on their workers without their knowledge or consent, the Commonwealth workplace authority has ruled.

Not even "extremely difficult and challenging" employees can be subjected to "secret medicals," says the the federal government's Merit Protection Commissioner in a decision that will be watched closely across the 150,000-strong bureaucracy.

The commissioner's office says the giant Department of Human Services breached its legal obligations when it handed a medical file on one of its public servants to a doctor asking for an assessment but without telling its employee his mental health was being examined.

Compulsory medical examinations in the Australian Public Service, often for mental health reasons, have been bitterly contested in the past, but it is well-established that departmental bosses have the right to force unwilling public servants to go for medicals.

The Commissioner's office has ordered DHS to discard its "file assessment" on its employee, who has asked not to be named, finding the department failed its legislative requirement to act in a fair or reasonable manner in obtaining the paper-based assessment from a psychiatrist in May 2016.

The ruling acknowledged Human Services was faced with an "extremely difficult and challenging situation" in its dispute with its former customer service officer, now its fifth year, but still had a duty to treat the employee according to the legal requirements.


Human Services and the public servant have history.

He has not worked since 2011 and says the bullying and harassment he suffered while employed by the department have shattered his health.

The department says its employee, who was found by his own psychologist in 2014 to be permanently unfit to return to any work, presents a danger to the workplace and secured a "workplace protection order", now expired, banning him from coming within five metres of certain departmental sites.

Several attempts to organise "fitness for duty" assessments failed with the worker claiming his bosses  cancelled  appointments and the department saying the employee repeatedly failed to show up or to co-operate.

But the difficult circumstances of the dispute did not justify what the public servant describes as the "secret medical" ordered in 2016 to determine if he could come back to work, Barry Jenkins of the Merit Protection Commissioner's office found.

"A decision cannot be fair if it is not communicated to the employee and having regard to the highly sensitive nature of the personal health circumstances that communication needs to occur before the action is taken," he said.

The public servant initially applied for an internal DHS review of the decision to order the "secret medical" but the department cleared itself, saying it "considered the assessment reasonable and appropriate in your circumstances."

"The department does not consider that the assessment breaches any legislation," DHS wrote to its employee.

But Mr Jenkins took a different view of the legal basis of DHS's conduct.

"The department has not identified the source of its power to seek a paper-based health assessment without [the employee's] knowledge," Mr Jenkins wrote.

But Mr Jenkins did not accept the public servant's "assertion that he is entitled to return to work and that he is under no obligation to provide a medical report that clears him to do so."

DHS has obligations under health and safety laws which "preclude a return to work in [the employee's] circumstances", Mr Jenkins found.

He urged the two parties to work towards a compromise.

The public servant still has complaints about his treatment by his employer pending with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and The Human Rights Commission.