WA News

Second pro-Liberal billboard adorns Lisa Scaffidi building

A second pro-Liberal billboard has been erected on a prominent Perth building owned by embattled City of Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi with husband Joe.

Ms Scaffidi has previously claimed no affiliation with any political party but a massive state election campaign billboard of Liberal candidate for Mt Lawley Michael Sutherland now sits below that of another Liberal campaigner Eleni Evangel, a former City of Perth councillor under Ms Scaffidi.

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The two billboards on the Edward Street building, near Claisebrook Station, would attract the attention of thousands of motorists and train passengers travelling adjacent along the Graham Farmer freeway each day.

Local advertisers value each banner at around $4000 but the two Liberal candidates are receiving the privilege for free.

Ms Scaffidi is currently awaiting a State Administrative Tribunal ruling on last month's public hearing into 45 allegations of breaching the Local Government Act, of which she's admitted to being guilty of five of the most serious.

The timing of Mr Sutherland's campaign poster appearing on the Scaffidi building is interesting, given his revelation on Sunday that he would consider a tilt at Ms Scaffidi's job in 2019 if he loses his seat to Labor candidate Simon Millman, which polling indicates may happen.


Ms Evangel is also battling to retain her Perth seat, with popular former Vincent mayor John Carey likely to win it for Labor.

The stakes are high for Ms Scaffidi and the City of Perth ahead of the March 11 vote.

Labor leader Mark McGowan reiterated on Thursday he would seek to remove Ms Scaffidi and her councillors if elected in the wake of transparency and governance issues that have besieged them and Ms Scaffidi's failure to declare dozens of overseas trips and gifts.

"The CCC report showed that people were taking trips, not reporting on those trips and then voting on issues concerning the people who paid for the trips, or the companies that paid for the trips... that's not acceptable," Mr McGowan said.

The allegations against Ms Scaffidi stem from a Local Government inquiry last year after similar damning findings in May 2015 by the Corruption and Crime Commission, which found she had engaged in serious misconduct by accepting undeclared travel and gifts, including from companies and conglomerates with financial considerations before the council.

WA Premier Colin Barnett continued to back her throughout the ordeal, despite widespread calls from several quarters for her to resign, but Mr McGowan has taken a stronger stance to her accountability shortfalls.

Ms Scaffidi, 56, responded on Thursday by saying Mr McGowan was making "a political statement", an odd observation given the Liberal banners adorning her building and the state election being just a week away.

City of Vincent CEO Len Kosova previously said the billboards contravened City of Vincent council regulations but told WAtoday.com.au on Thursday he would address the issue after the election.

The WA Electoral Commission said donations by individuals worth more than $2300 had to be declared.

Another building owned by Ms Scaffidi and her husband in the CBD had been utilising a massive advertising banner space with a reported market value of $43,000 over a four-week period, despite permission for its use expiring in 2008.

The City of Perth then approved an application for retrospective permission of the signage.

The WA Liberal Party has been contacted for comment regarding the billboards of Ms Evangel and Mr Sutherland appearing on Ms Scaffidi's property.