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Selective schools cop flak but no remedies

Christina Ho picks through a pile of wobbly statistics, purports that they reveal some grave social injustice, yet fails to propose any remedy ("Wealthy, gifted and talented: Selective schools favour the rich", March 10). Entry to academically selective schools is based on an entrance test. There is no other fair or practical method. The socioeconomic background of the child's parents is irrelevant. Tone-deaf children aren't offered places at the Conservatorium High; out-of-area children with minimal athletic ability are unlikely to gain a place at a sports high school. In any case, it's difficult to imagine how Ms Ho would rectify what she claims is a bias against the entry of "disadvantaged groups" to our selective schools. Must each child sitting the entry test first produce their parents' income tax returns?

David Salter Hunters Hill

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'Feminism is important to me because...'

Students of Sydney Boys High School present a video as part of a week-long campaign at the school to examine gender equality and how feminism affects both men and women. Produced by Ronald Luo.

Thank you, thank you Christina Ho for your masterly analysis of the performance and selection processes for selective public schools. Used as a sop for serial education ministers to blandly promote the public system since time immemorial, it is time to look seriously at the whole process. What is ignored always is the impact on surrounding comprehensive schools. The removal of the best and brightest, although not necessarily creative students, who are potential leaders from their community restricts curriculum choice, hampers social growth and promotes inequality.

Gus Plater Saratoga

Selective high schools are not good for the community and appear to lead to "reverse racism". Sadly, the students who apply and are accepted are not always the most suitable. Many have practised the tests and are focused only on marks. I worry about the stress some of these students are under because of the pressure applied to them by their parents. I have found it sad that when asked to write about the best day of their lives as a creative activity some write about being accepted into selective high school. The students who succeed in the long run are those who are allowed to develop natural ability as they mature with the care and nurturing of the home and local school. The upside is that those students are able to shine in their own community as well as taking on leadership roles. Many do just as well after school as they have a more balanced view to life and work.

Augusta Monro Dural

Christina Ho starts by making some good arguments about access to selective schools; but like so many of the criticisms of selective schools ends up focusing principally on race.  I wish these commentators would come out and just say what their ideal percentage of Asian Australian students are. After all, while minimum quotas might offend our attitudes of the "fair go", we have a long history in this country of making access subject to racial tests. 

Andrew Hii Kensington 


Prefects' moment of fame overlooks sexism in schools

On Monday, Sydney Boys High School prefects published a video on their Facebook [page] about "why feminism is important" in which the prefects read quotes from women about why they need feminism ("Sydney Boys High releases video about why feminism is important", March 8).

While we believe it is an important initiative promoting feminism by Sydney Boys, the reality of sexism at boys' schools similar to and including Sydney Boys has failed to be addressed by the video. As female students, we experience firsthand the objectification and devaluing of women by male students. The most notable example of this was at a "gender pay gap" bake sale last year, where there was an outcry from the Sydney Boys student body at the perceived "discrimination towards men", including intimidation against students of Sydney Girls. This is emblematic of the broader culture of misogyny present in boys' schools.

The fact that a  tokenistic video, which appropriates women's voices and reinforces the idea that women's experiences must be voiced by men in order to be validated, has gained international praise is troubling. No tangible change can be achieved by skimming over the reality of the toxic subculture of masculinity in boys' schools by simply making or sharing a video, rather than proper education of the issue.

We certainly do not wish to discourage further support of feminism, however we believe the question must be asked of why it is that male voices are needed, even on International Women's Day, to bring attention to these issues that, if expressed by women, would be disregarded.

The prefects of Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills

Lock out laws turn Oxford Street into a ghost town

I wonder if Patrick McGrath (Letters, March 8) has wandered around any of the areas affected by the lockout after dark lately. (I suspect not; he'd doubtless consider himself safer at home.) If he did, he might notice that after 9 most nights world-renowned Oxford Street is more or less a ghost town.

I understand the St Vincent's Hospital staff's support for the lockout – the laws must make their work lives easier, since violence (which can't be legislated out of existence) has migrated elsewhere.

But I can't understand why people like Patrick are cheering the decline of Sydney's nightlife, in response to which young creative people, and others who care about culture, are shifting – and will continue to shift – to Melbourne and other cities where they can find a plate of pasta or a gig after 11pm.

The ongoing quiet should at least give Patrick and his ilk the peace they need to focus on what Sydney seems to really care about: house prices, "rows of new apartments", a good night's sleep, and whatever it is that puritans and philistines do for fun.

Duncan Campbell-Avenell Paddington

History reveals fix for our energy woes

Some history should be looked at when reviewing the prospective domestic gas shortage ("PM calls energy crisis talks amid blackout fears", March 10). Back in the 1970s when Esso started producing crude oil from the Bass Strait fields none of the other domestic oil companies with oil refineries wanted to process this expensive crude oil. They could ship crude oil in from overseas at a lower cost.

The then federal Labor government fixed that by legislating that each Australian refinery would take its domestic market sales share of indigenous crude oil. Why doesn't our present federal government legislate that the present local gas producers initially supply the domestic gas market on a production market share basis before exporting the excess production overseas. Problem solved.

Les Nelson Frenchs Forest

Gift of parenthood

That any criticism should be directed towards Kate Ellis is beyond comprehension ("MP puts son above the political life", March 10). She is simply doing what any person should do, recognising the enormous privilege of nurturing and guiding those vulnerable, fragile human beings we call into the world, so dependent on parental care and vigilance. And we wonder what's wrong with the world?
As I frequently remind my own daughter, mother of two adorable little girls, your job is the most important of all; even more so than that of the prime minister – and often more demanding, because you are shaping the future in the very best way possible.
I was honoured with the gift of motherhood at the ripe of old age of 35  until an even riper old age of 43 –  four most beloved, amazing children. Not only did this transform my life, but it transformed me as a person.    Who has time to be cosseted, self-centred and quite pathetic when these precious, vulnerable little people need us so desperately?
Kate Ellis – spot on.
Rosalind Winterton Maroubra

Vaccination wisdom

Because of bad advice my parents did not have us vaccinated against whooping cough. (Letters, March 9, 10). All three children caught it and were critically ill for weeks. I was just eight months old and my mother was told to prepare herself for my death. She still spoke with horror of this terrifying ordeal until the end of her life, 70 years later. Completely unnecessary trauma and almost tragedy. Anyone questioning the wisdom of vaccination should speak to my mother – she would probably rise briskly from the grave to set them straight. 

Maggie Ramsay Woolloomooloo

Sisters of the '70s

Wide flares, desert boots, hot pants and the disco beat with nothing really to say, 
Sydney suburban entertainment was shut by 10 and The Cross difficult to access (Letters, March 9,10). Holden panel vans and the Torana were "the go" and the beach scene forbidden for many of us. Luckily the pill was accessible and career options widening (slower to germinate in regional areas). But really, the '70s better than today for women? 

Janice Creenaune Austinmer

Religion is a choice

Well done for highlighting the out of touch subsection of the Education Act (Letters, March 10). SRE should not be "offered" in public schools. It is imposing religion on the secular. It is presented in such a way that parents are forced to actively opt out, as if SRE were the norm and parents who don't want it for their children are the exception. Religion is a choice to be made. Just choose it outside of our public schools. Teachers need that time to teach. Let them. 
Camille Nelson Taree 

Sandy Grant, it may well be the case that students who choose not to do Special Religious Education at public schools may now be able to study or read a book (Letters, March 10). But not too long ago, these students were made to sit in silence and do nothing, many were made to pick up garbage off the school grounds. They were expressly forbidden to do something meaningful and punished. 

The introduction of ethics has seen these children given a choice to reject SRE and not be treated like pariahs. 

Anthony van den Broek  Erskineville

Refrain from ogling

Craig Lilienthal asks why he feels ashamed when he "ogles" at women walking down the street  (Letters, March 10). He's simply being a male. Sorry Craig, but other men manage to refrain from glaring down women's tops or staring at their legs.
Perhaps he feels ashamed because he knows cultures that endorse the idea that women are responsible for men's actions have the highest, not the lowest, levels of sexual violence and he's just realised he supports those values.

Samantha Chung Newtown

I agree with Craig Lilienthal. Well into my 80s I still enjoy looking at a pretty girl but as Michael Caine said,"The trouble is that as you get older the pretty girls don't look at you!"
Ross Wilson Tweed Heads
Admittedly it's a few years since I was ogled, but I can still remember the feeling of unease it engendered.

Most men I know understand that staring at a woman's cleavage will make them feel uncomfortable and so they don't do it. We are all controlled by our hormones and sometimes these hormones cause reactions that are socially unacceptable. Most of us are grown up enough to have developed some level of self-control to manage the less desirable aspects of our behaviour. By all means, admire and respect women and their many abilities, but please, look us in the eye while you're doing it.

Anne Kirman Kellyville

Firstly I'd like to congratulate Craig Lilienthal for tossing the first hand grenade of 2017 into the letters page. Secondly, I'd like to wish him all the very best with his new identity as he enters the state's Witness Protection Programme.

Matt Petersen Randwick

Happy to be orchestral whistler in crowd

I am the whistler at the SSO (Letters March 7, 8). Some of our group clap, some whoop, some stamp and I whistle. It's quite a melodic, cheerful, well-done sort of a whistle.

Jane Symons Kirribilli

Twisting TV reality

Great idea Bob Guy, a show called, "I'm a Nutjob ... Get Me Out of Here!" (Letters, March 10), with a cast of minority parties, sounds eminently watchable. However, I'd like to pitch a similar show set in a convent/monastery with nuns and priests. It would be called, "I'm a Celibate … Get Me Out of Here!"

Tom Orren Wamberal

Lawyer's fire riddle

The obvious response to that story about the lawyer and his duds ("Lawyer on fire during arson trial", March 10): lawyer, lawyer, pants on foyer.

James Mahoney McKellar ACT

Appearances on video 

I do hope former Auburn Councillor Selim Mahajer will be permitted to include any future ICAC appearances in his next video. ("ICAC inquiry: wedding set alarm bells ringing", March 10).

John de Bres Rose Bay

For whom the bells toll

Steve Ngeow Chatswood

Yeth Pleathe

Thistlethwaite for prime minithter. (Letters, March 10).

Eva Elbourne Normanhurst


With International Women's Day this week, and girl-power icon Adele in town, it seems an appropriate time to turn our attention to women who know their way with words. With the ABC's kicking off the week with an all-female Q and A panel, it was suggested by a long-time letter writer, Robyn Dalziell of Castle Hill, that we follow suit, with an all-female letters page. "I note that women have  been well represented as SMH Letters Editors, possibly because the job is so difficult, I imagine. However, I recall that some years ago a previous editor, Jennie Curtin, took the bold step and quietly invited regular female contributors to write a letter of interest related to or directly from their experiences as women, as an acknowledgement of IWD."

 Dr Dalziell recalls it was a page of refreshing female narratives, lived experiences, picturesque but concise. We didn't do that because it seems somehow to be a gimmick. Real change is not skin deep. A note on how we work – despite constant accusations of a gender agenda, we judge the best letters daily. The magic mix is in the subject matter rather than the sex of the author on all our comment pages. This is not to diminish the very real examples of sexism both this journalist and all our fabulous female writers have faced in the course of our careers. Wise women of the pen abound everywhere; we encourage you all to raise your voice and sing on the page, much in the way the entire prefect body of Sydney Girls' High has done today. Perhaps Adele said it best on Twitter this week: "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult."

Helen Pitt Letters Co-editor