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See This Skin’s Text Styles in Action


This Skin comes equipped with everything you need to produce a professional-grade website. I personally guarantee that you’ll be positively amazed by how easy it is to put your best foot forward with this product.

In this article, you’ll be able explore the styles at your disposal when using this Skin.

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Meaningful, Powerful Customizations

Each official Skin from DIYthemes is fully integrated with Thesis’ patent-pending color scheme picker right out of the box.

With the color scheme picker, you’ll be able to create amazing color customizations in just seconds. Even better, Thesis will mathematically optimize your customizations to ensure that every change you make is a good one.

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Thesis Skins, Markup Schema, and SEO Domination

Thesis Skins from DIYthemes are the most optimized website frameworks available today.

Nobody else offers Skins, themes, or child themes that score as well on Google Page Speed, rank as well in search engines, or boast such a small footprint in terms of both file size and number of HTTP requests per page.

In short, Thesis Skins not only make your site fast, but they also set you up to dominate the search engines by taking advantage of the latest technology.

For example… [click to continue…]