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  1. retweetelte 528 alkalommal

    BREAKING: MSF announcing we will no longer take funds from the & its Member States.

  2. Member States need to present national plans for food product improvement by the end of 2017! '

  3. If "Stay" More influence on policy and direction otherwise,the 's ability to shape EU policy is greatly diminished

  4. How can we ensure funds reach communities they're meant for?

  5. States’ dangerous approach to migration places asylum in jeopardy worldwide

  6. The whole purpose of integration was always political, and that economic integration was simply a means to a political end.

  7. 99 days to We're working to get the to tighten rules on trade PRESSRELEASE

  8. Underlining the challenges and opportunities will face as it takes on the Presidency next year.

  9. The media blaming pro- for the recent murder shows why British people should split from 's media manipulation.

  10. if democracy is first & foremost for MPs, as says, then why for the blatantly undemocratic ?

  11. WSJ: Greek Parliament passes legislation replacing Asylum board to speed up sending migrants back to .

  12. Syrians in the last 6 months saw nothing but death

  13. Poland in trouble with over tree-clearing at -protected forest

  14. Switzerland withdraws longstanding application to join EU They know this ship is going down.

  15. Well, well, well. Now Switzerland "officially" withdraws it's dormant application to join the

  16. Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you a sample of the UK Scumbag Left, in all its -phile glory. Remain must be so proud.

  17. Bénázó vezető alatt rogyadozik az

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