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Welcome to the STICS website! STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney) is an open collective of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people committed to the repeal of the NT Intervention and the struggle for Aboriginal self-determination.

We meet every first and third Monday of the month to discuss the campaign and plan for actions and awareness-raising. 6pm Monday nights, Federation Conference Centre, Level 1, 23-33 Mary Street Surry Hills (turn off Elizabeth st at Albion St and left onto Mary street) -,+surry+hills&sll=-24.686952,135.703125&sspn=61.631455,97.207031&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=A. Everyone is welcome. Should you require further information and would like to attend, please call Cathy on 0422385852 (after 3pm) or E-mail:

Please note:

Note the change of venue and time for tonight, 5 December 2016:

Just for tonight we will meet at the Australian Hall,

150 Elizabeth St, Sydney at 5pm!

Following at 6pm will be ‘Indigenous Rights Night’ forum which we will all attend

As the Federation Conference Centre will be

closed until February 2017, we will meet at

University of Technology Sydney,

15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Level 6, next to Jumbunna Student Association

on the first and third Monday at 6pm



Special Human Rights Day Film screening of

Another Country

A film told by David Gulpilil

Friday, 9 December 2016 at 6pm

at the Redfern Community Centre

29-53 Hugo Street Redfern
With Introduction by Director Molly Reynolds and discussion afterwards by

Jason De Santolo (Jumbunna Research at UTS) and Lynda-June Coe



STICS presents a challenging and inspiring film to Redfern Community

Centre. Hear directly from David Gulpilil the experiences of living in

Northern Territory in the 21st Century.

For the flyer: please click here



Not A Mention of the Intervention

- 9 Years of Racist shame!

NT Intervention - Stronger Futures

Join us for an anniversary march and rally

Saturday, 18th June 2016 - 1pm

Town Hall Sydney

Bring clapsticks, drums, etc.

Confirmed Speakers:

Jenny Munro,
Wiradjuri Elder, founder of the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy, and tireless activist.

Uncle Ken Canning, Bidjara Elder, activist, poet, candidate for the Federal Senate.

Nicole Watson,
Birri-Gubba woman, Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney Law School.

Jason De Santolo, Garrwa-Barunggam man, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning.

Paddy Gibson,
Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, UTS

For the event on facebook: please click here

For the poster: please click here

For the leaflet: please click here



STICS Public Forum

“Men speak out for Treaty”


Monday, 14 March 2016 - Redfern Community Centre,

Following on from STICS’ successful 2015 forum, First Nations ‘Women Speak out for Treaty’, this event featured five First Nations Men: 

Yingiya Mark Guyula, Djambarrpuyngu Nation, Yolngu Nations Assembly Spokesperson

Terry Mason, Awabakal Man, Chair of NTEU Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Policy Committee

Tony McAvoy SC, Wiri Man, Barrister

Tauto Sansbury, Narungga Elder and Aboriginal Advocate

Chris Sarra, Gurang Gurang, Founding Chairman, Stronger Smarter Institute

Facilitator: Jeff McMullen
, Journalist and Film-maker

For more info about the Forum: please click here


For last year's Forum "Women speak out for Treaty":

For more info, also see:




also spoke on Tuesday, 15 March at the

Trades Hall Auditorium


For more information about Yingiya, please see: and



Public Forum to mark Human Rights Day

 Expansion of NT Intervention and Erosion of Human Rights

Friday 11 Dec 6pm for 6.30 start
Redfern Community Centre, 29-53 Hugo St


Barbara Shaw, Central Australian Aboriginal leader who lives under the Intervention and has continually campaigned against it.
Lex Wotton, an activist from Palm Island, who has recently been released from a government gag order. Monique Wiseman, Senior Aboriginal Project Officer, Wayside Chapel, who works at the frontline in Sydney.
Paddy Gibson, Senior Researcher, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, UTS and long-time opponent of the Intervention.

Contact: Alex on 0449 184 801 or Cathy on 0422 385 852

For the flyer: please click here




Panel Discussion:

The Intervention - An Anthology

Wednesday, 2 Sept. 2015

6.30pm for 7pm start

Redfern Community Centre -

Downstairs, 29-53 Hugo St, Redfern


Larissa Behrendt: Eualeyai/Kamillaroi woman, Director of Research at the  Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at UTS
Eva Cox:
Research Fellow at Jumbunna, UTS
Thalia Anthony:
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UTS

For the leaflet:
please click here

For the event on facebook: please click here



NT Intervention - Stronger Futures


Sunday, 21 June - 3pm

Sydney Town Hall


Uncle Albert Hartnett, a Wangkumurra man with first-hand experience of child removal
Ken Canning, Murri writer and poet from the Kunja Clan of the Bidjira Nation
Kyol Blakeney, a Kamilaroi man and Sydney University SRC president
Eva Cox, Research Fellow at Jumbunna, Indigenous House of Learning at UTS
Gerry Georgatos, human rights and social justice campaigner. Editor of The Stringer.

For the flyer to print in A5:  please click here

For the flyer in A4: please click here

More details: please click here

Terrific report back from Paddy Gibson on the effects of current government policies on First Nations Peoples communities on

Monday, 20 April: please click here

More info, page 8: please click here

Special Forum:

Friday, 27 March 2015 at 7.30pm,

NITV aired a one hour program titled

Piece - Women Speak Out For Treaty'

Recorded at the Redfern Community Centre discussing the merits of Treaty. First Nations Speakers include Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Brenda Croft, Natalie Cromb and Amala Groom

To watch it again:
please click here
(50mins, expiry 26 Apr.)

For more info about the Forum:


For more info on Treaty:




Forum: Can our First Nations Peoples celebrate 

UN Human Rights Day?

For Media Coverage by NITV: please click here

9 December 2014 - 5.30pm for 6pm start

Trades Hall Auditorium,
Entry via Unions NSW,
377 Sussex Street St
Sydney 2000 

Forum marking UN Human Rights Day

Can First Nations’ Peoples celebrate UN Human Rights Day?


·         Land theft and the Intervention


·         Ongoing Stolen Generations


·         World’s worst incarceration rates


·         No sovereignty


 Aunty Debra Swan, Grandmothers Against Removals

 Chris Graham, Editor New Matilda and Associate Producer of John Pilger's ‘Utopia’

 Jeff McMullen, CEO (honorary) of Ian Thorpe’s Fountain for Youth

 For the leaflet: please click here

For the poster: please click here

 Sponsored by:

 Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney, Grandmothers Against Removals,

Indigenous Social Justice Association and APHEDA

State Government’s threat to close remote communities:
Article and background info about WA Government’s move and its far-reaching implications: please click here

The Northern Territory Intervention 7 Years On -


1 PM Saturday 21 st June -

Meet Sydney Town Hall and

March to Redfern Tent Embassy

Repeal Stolen Futures Legislation – Stop Income Management – Stop Stealing Children – Reinvest In Community Controlled Services and Jobs Now


Ray Jackson, ISJA President
Jenny Munro, Redfern Tent Embassy
Kyol Blakeney, National Union of Students
David Shoebridge
, Greens NSW MP

For the poster:
please click here

For the flyer: please click here

June 21 will mark seven years since John Howard announced the NT Intervention and sent the military into Aboriginal communities. This was one of the most shameful days in the history of Australia's brutal and racist treatment of Aboriginal people and has set the struggle for Aboriginal rights back many decades.

Government statistics show that since 2007 in the NT incarceration has increased 80%, reported rates of attempted suicide and self-harm are up almost 600%, child removal rates increased 80% and there is more alcohol related domestic violence. Almost $1 billion has been wasted on bureaucrats and punishment.

In 2012, the Labor government passed the Stronger Futures legislation that extends the main measures of the NT Intervention for another 10 years. Aboriginal people will continue to be treated as second class citizens: police can enter their homes without a warrant, courts are unable to consider cultural circumstances when sentencing, alcohol and R18+ material are restricted regardless of community wishes and more than 10,000 Aboriginal people are held on income management against their will.

Stronger Futures legislation also extended income management and the BasicsCard to new "trial sites" around Australia, including Bankstown in Sydney. But a strong campaign uniting Aboriginal people, community organisations, migrants and trade unions has helped hold this back.

The Public Service Association (PSA), who represent Child Protection workers are refusing to be part of the expansion of the racist NT Intervention. Of all the "trial sites", Bankstown has the lowest number of people on income management out of all "trial sites". The Labour Federal government increased the categories for Compulsory Income Management and the Abott government is signalling more draconian measures. Join us for a protest to demand an end to Apartheid-style policies in Australia!

For more information please call Cathy on 0422385852



Say NO to continuing Stolen Generations

STOP the DOCS Friday snatch
STOP Goward's new laws
Support and opportunity for families NOT child removal

Rally Friday April 11 - 12pm Tamworth DOCS office
14 - 16 Bourke st Tamworth

Speakers include:

+ Aunty Hazel, Grand-mothers Against Removals, Gunnedah

+ David Shoebridge, Greens NSW MP


+ Karen Fusi, Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy



Facebook event:

For the flyer: please click here

For the double-sided-leaflet: please click here

For the Media release: please click here



21 March 2014 - 6.30pm for 7pm start


Marking the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

REDFERN Town Hall, 73 Pitt St, Redfern

Speakers include:

John Pilger, Utopia filmmaker
Marianne McKay, Nyoongar activist
Dianne Stokes, Muckaty Traditional Owner
Aunty Hazel, Grand Mothers Against Removals Gunnedah

STICS Forum on 21 March 2014: please click here

For the Poster: please click here


Speakers on Child Removal

Monday, 3 March at 6 pm,

Federation Conference Centre


Olivia Nigro, who played a central role organising the Child removal rally outside parliament on 13 Feb, will speak on developments in Gunnedah, as a way of starting some collective discussion about how we can take the struggle forward.

Bear, is a First Nations man from Canada taken and adopted out in Australia. He is currently working to change national and international adoption practices and laws, so that the abuses of the past are not repeated.

For the flyer
: please click here

Plus discussion about an upcoming forum on 21 March 2014.

STICS Forum on 21 March 2014: please click here

Background Info:

Respect and Listen - Excerpt from the Q&A session where John Pilger talks about the present child removals and the planned new adoption legislation - 20 Feb 2014

The Guardian - Tony Abbott’s cuts directly hurt Aboriginal children - 20 Feb 2014
Indigenous specialist services have been slashed by a tidal wave of cuts. This has a direct impact on the health and safety of thousands of Aboriginal children ...

The Stringer - Stolen Generations continues but worse than ever - 15 Feb 2014
Grandmothers Against Removals was formed by NSW regional Gunnedah grandmothers who
have been broken by the record number of removals by our State Governments - yes by
Governments - of their grandchildren from their Mothers. According to grandmother Hazel
Collins, the Stolen Generations continues and in numbers never-before-known. Ms Collins
travelled from regional Gunnedah, with affected families from across the State and from interstate
to NSW Parliament to raise awareness of the record number of children being removed, and the
cycle of devastation this is causing to the communities of First Nations peoples....

NITV - Gunnedah grandmothers rally against removal of Indigenous kids - 13 Feb 2014
On the sixth anniversary of the Australian government's apology to the Stolen Generations, grandmothers from Gunnedah have protested against what they say is a new generation of stolen children. ...

Canberra Times - Fears over rise in Canberra's indigenous children in care - 13 Feb 2014
Canberra's indigenous children risk becoming part of another ''stolen generation'', the head of Australia's peak Aboriginal childcare body says.
The Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care is demanding answers from the ACT government about large numbers of local indigenous children who have been taken from their families by social services.
Secretariat CEO Frank Hytten said unconscious prejudice and a lack of support for families could be contributing to the large numbers of indigenous children in care across Australia.
The latest report on government services published by the Productivity Commission found that on June 30 last year at least 140 of the 559 children in out-of-home care in Canberra were indigenous. ...

Media Release: Grandmothers demand DOCS return stolen children on anniversary of apology - 13 Feb 2014: please click here
Related flyer: please click here

ABC - Too many Aboriginal children in state care in NSW admits Family Services Minister Pru Goward - 13 Feb 2014
The New South Wales Minister for Family and Community Services has conceded the number of Aboriginal children in care around the state is too high.
Pru Goward has made the admission ahead of a rally of Aboriginal grandmothers at State Parliament today.
It is six years since the Federal Parliament's apology to the Stolen Generations, but for Aunty Hazel it has meant nothing.
She says her grandmother and aunt were forcibly removed from their families and now four of her grandchildren are in care. ...

The Guardian - Aboriginal mothers like me still fear that our children could be taken away - 21 Jan 2014
Indigenous women have been told for the better part of two centuries that we're not fit to raise children. Time and time again, we have borne the brunt of racist and cruel policies  ...

WGAR News - Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT, Australia


Keeping Them Home

The most recent data shows that the number of children being moved into out-of-home care in the Northern Territory has just about doubled since 2007. Two-thirds of these children are being placed with non-Indigenous families away from their communities.

Elder Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, as spokesperson for Yolngu Makarr Dhuni calls for this trend to be reversed by increasing family support services in communities. He has written to the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Adam Giles, asking him for his support. If you would like to support Dr Gondarra, please read the campaign letter below.

Letter from Dr Djiniyini Gondarra to Adam Giles: please click here

Campaign Letter: please click here

Background document: please click here

Stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families: please click here

Media Releases

STICS: please click here

'concerned Australians': please click here

ACM Sydney: please click here

Further Background Info/Articles:

NITV newsclip of 20 May 13 - about 6 mins into the video: please click here

WGAR Newsletter of 18 May 2013: please click here

SMH - Jeff McMullen - 15 March 2013: please click here