
12 Insults We Should Bring Back

Everyone knows a primo insult or two, even if your personal rules of decorum prohibit their usage. But if you think about it, there aren’t many new insults (or swear words, for that matter). The ones you heard from that guy in middle school are pretty much the same ones you hear now.

Let’s hop in the time machine and head back a couple of hundred years. These words/terms might seem rather quaint and out of place now, but back then, they got your attention. “Hey! You scobblelotcher! Thy vile canker-blossom'd countenance curdles milk and sours beer!"

Let’s examine a few, shall we? It should be said that doesn’t define these words presently—they’re not in current use, so there aren’t too many people needing to look them up! However, that in no way invalidates them as words. Should we bring these back into today’s conversations? Let us know what you think on Facebook or Twitter (dictionarycom).

This is an old Irish term for someone who likes to meddle in other people’s business. Everyone knows a busybody, right?
Gnashnab is an 18th century northern English word, meaning someone who just complains all the time. Contemporary synonyms include nitpicker, moaner and grumbler. It's just as true now as it was back then—no one likes a gnashnab.
A snoutband is someone who always interrupts a conversation to correct or contradict the person speaking. Every social group has a snoutband, who thinks they know everything. They probably don't know the meaning of this word, though. At least, not yet.
Someone that's clumsy and heavy of foot would be considered a stampcrab. It sounds like a good band name, doesn't it? More of those coming up, so scroll on.
Mental Floss notes this word is "probably derived from 'scopperloit,' an old English dialect word for a vacation or a break from work." A scobberlotcher is someone who avoids hard work like it's their job. The next time you catch someone dozing off at their desk, hit 'em with this one.
This is someone who wastes a lot of time. You could easily make the case that a scobblelotcher is also a whiffle-whaffle, correct? Or would that be a ... whiffle-whaffler?
The website Matador Network says this is "a 17th century variant of ‘zounds’ which was an expression of surprise or indignation." It's less of an insult and more of something to yell after someone has insulted you...but of course you can follow up with some other great words of your own.
This is a Victorian word meaning idiot. This is an appropriate example with a contemporary angle, spoken with some irritation while driving on the highway: "That zounderkite just cut me off!"
Shakespeare coined this one to describe an adulterer. BBC America thinks this would make a great band name, and they are totally on the mark. You're at the show, the lights go down, and suddenly through the swirling fog and darkness you hear “Good evening Cincinnati, how ya doing? We…are…Bedswerver!”
A fopdoodle is someone of little significance. So if you're letting someone get on your nerves that really shouldn't have the power, remember that they're just a fopdoodle. Then carry on.
This would be a person WHO CAN ONLY SPEAK BY SHOUTING. That's all we're going to say ABOUT THAT!