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Good Samaritan bought elderly man lunch while family searched for him

Deborah Raynor was doing chores around the house on Sunday morning when her husband, Graham, said he was going to visit their neighbour.

When he didn't return after an hour, Deborah called over the fence to let Graham know his lunch was ready - but it soon became clear he had never arrived at their neighbour's home.

"I drove around all his usual haunts with no success, and then our daughter called to be picked up, so I left a note for Graham to stay put if we weren't back, and went to get our daughter."

In the meantime, local man Joey Cane had noticed a confused man walking from house to house along his street, zig-zagging across his neighbour's yards.

"I was out the front doing some gardening, and saw the man looking a bit lost," Joey said.

"I thought I better go check on this guy... when I went over, he said he was going for a walk. I asked if he was okay, and he said he was."


So Joey went over to his local shops, but continued to have Graham weighing on his mind. Eventually, he went back to find him.

When Joey came across him again, Graham continued to wander between the houses on Joey's street.

"I went over to ask where he lived. He pointed at my mate's house... so I got a bit of a gut feeling telling me something was wrong with him."

Joey contacted the WA Police, before asking to walk Graham home.

"I asked where he lived again and we walked around the corner. I asked if we were on his street, and he said yes. We kept walking and I ended up asking if he lived on another street.

"He said 'yep, that's the one!'... so I knew that wasn't right."

Joey continued to try and help Graham in an attempt to find his home, but when he couldn't recall what street he lived on, Joey decided to post a photograph of Graham on the Facebook group Cockburn Chat.

"Anyone missing this guy? Found him walking the streets a little lost and disoriented. I'm waiting with him until police can collect him. Hes not able to give me a straight answer. I tried to walk him home.... and he walked me around the block twice haha. Waiting with him if anyone is looking for him."

Hundreds of Perth locals shared and commented on the post in order to help Graham find his family, and Joey said he had been 'blown away' by the reaction. 

In the mean time, Joey walked with Graham to their local kebab shop, where he purchased him a drink and a sandwich.  

All the while, Deborah stayed in contact with WA Police as she continued to drive around her neighbourhood looking for Graham.

Joey eventually got in touch with Graham's daughter Samantha through Facebook just as Deborah received a phone call from the WA Police about her husband's whereabouts.

"[I got a call] to say that our Good Samaritan was at the kebab shop on Yangebup Road, and would continue to wait with Graham till I got there," Deborah said.

"I pulled into the car park, and I could see that he was unharmed, so I [told the dispatch officer] he looked fine- but I was going to kill him for disappearing!"

Deborah said Graham seemed completely unfazed, and Joey refused to be paid back for Graham's lunch.

"I can't thank him enough for caring and looking out for Graham. I know that not everyone is that caring," Deborah said.

Graham suffers from a neurological condition called corticobasal degeneration, which can affect memory, speech, walking and balance. It was the first time he had forgotten where he lived.

"He is harmless and very trusting, and I am so grateful that Joey was the one to help him...  I want to say thank you for all the kind messages from everyone, and the effort that went into reuniting us was truly heart-warming. Graham's passion for walking will now only be done when someone is with him!"

 Joey said he would be happy to take a walk with Graham anytime in the future.