Deprived Of Your Tribe

by Brett Stevens (March 15th, 2017)
Deprived Of Your Tribe

In the modern time, where every consideration is based in the individual, people have trouble conceptualizing things of importance that are larger than the individual, despite such things being the one and only path toward significance, meaning and pleasure in life itself. One of these things — we might call them “transcendentals,” or qualitative and […]

Steve King Deftly Hides The Ball And Covertly Introduces The Actual Topic

by Brett Stevens (March 15th, 2017)
Steve King Deftly Hides The Ball And Covertly Introduces The Actual Topic

Before the inevitable backtracking, Steve King made a provocative statement: We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies. Almost everyone focused on the obvious bait, the pro-nationalist idea of not using “somebody else’s babies,” which leads us to realize that a civilization is comprised of an ethnic group and without that, its culture and […]

Bill Nye, The Climate Scientology Guy

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (March 15th, 2017)
Bill Nye, The Climate Scientology Guy

It was President Dwight David Eisenhower who laid out why Science in Amerika is such a Potemkin enterprise. In his Farewell Address he describes what happens when government monopolizes science. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to […]

Diagnosing Political Correctness

by Brett Stevens (March 14th, 2017)
Diagnosing Political Correctness

The American Scholar takes a stab at diagnostic dissection of the bizarre confluence of religion, ideology and social status that is Political Correctness: What does it mean to say that these institutions are religious schools? First, that they possess a dogma, unwritten but understood by all: a set of “correct” opinions and beliefs, or at […]

Origins Of Decay

by Johann Theron (March 14th, 2017)
Origins Of Decay

The decay of Western Civilization is all around us. If you have doubts, take your history textbook to a busy public area and focus on observing what you see around you. Other than an increase in technology and wealth, how does this time compare to the past? Recently someone asked me when the decay started. […]

Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Control And Cooperation

by Brett Stevens (March 13th, 2017)
Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Control And Cooperation

Silent chuckling: A correction to a frequently cited 2012 study has been issued, after researchers discovered they mixed up results purporting to show conservatives are more likely than liberals to exhibit behaviors linked to psychoticism, such as authoritarianism and tough-mindedness. …The study also posited those who are socially liberal are more likely to possess behaviors […]

Steve King Unleashes Truth-Bomb That Detonates The Internet

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (March 13th, 2017)
Steve King Unleashes Truth-Bomb That Detonates The Internet

This is how you flush out the BurrCons and Cockroaches of the Anti-Trump GOP. Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies. — Steve King (@SteveKingIA) March 12, 2017 You explicitly state the truths of civilization survival. You say what these gibbering blobs of irresolution […]

Democratization Of Education Makes Education Worthless

by Brett Stevens (March 13th, 2017)
Democratization Of Education Makes Education Worthless

The average voter does not understand cause and effect. For this reason, crises seem to them to pop up out of thin air, and solutions involve making rules about what is acceptable. Naturally this fails and the problem begins again, with no diagnosis ever of the actual causes. Consider the crisis of modern education as […]

Brett Stevens Profiled On Alternative Right‘s “Intro To The Alt Right” Series

by Brett Stevens (March 13th, 2017)
Brett Stevens Profiled On <em>Alternative Right</em>‘s “Intro To The Alt Right” Series

Ryan Andrews wrote an interview and profile of Brett Stevens over at Alternative Right as part of its “Intro To The Alt Right” series of interviews. The profile tackles a number of obscure and provocative topics such as: The Alt Right is an umbrella term covering several different ideologies and sub-ideologies. Whether it be big […]

Ecosystems, Societies and Human Conflict

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (March 13th, 2017)
Ecosystems, Societies and Human Conflict

Biology informs our perspective on a number of our societal problems. One thing that it tells us a lot about is the curse of enforced diversity. We here at Amerika champion the old maxim that diversity does not work. But so far we have cited this as a given, not subjected it to probative analysis. […]