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The Age dominates 2016 Quills journalism awards

Caroline Wilson won the Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year at last night's Melbourne Press Club Quill Awards.

The judges said "her work over a long period has been ground-breaking and at times crusading ... She quickly developed a reputation as tough, fair, and never willing to take a backward step."

The Age won eight other Quill Awards, more than any other media organisation. It was also highly commended in seven categories and was associated with three others.

"This is another terrific result for The Age and our hard working and dedicated team of journalists," Age editor Alex Lavelle said.

"I would particularly like to congratulate sports journalist of the year Caroline Wilson and am delighted that we won in innovation and radio current affairs, which is testament to our commitment to keeping pace with a changing and exciting media landscape.

"That we won more awards than any other media organisation again shows our commitment to quality journalism and breaking the stories that matter to Melbourne and Victoria." 



Adele Ferguson, Klaus Toft, Mario Christodoulou (Business news) for the Comminsure scandal

Ben Schneiders, Royce Millar, Nick Toscano (Investigative journalism) for "Sold out: Australia's biggest wages scandal"

Richard Baker, Michael Bachelard (Radio current aff airs) "Phoebe's fall"

Andrew Dyson (Artwork) for "Elbow Room"

Soren Frederiksen, Conal Hanna, Craig Dixon (Innovation in journalism) Real Footy on Messenger

Emma Quayle (Sports feature) "Anthony McDonald Tipungwuti's long journey"

Michael Gleeson (Sports news) Lachie Whitfield drugs aff air

Beau Donelly (Disability Issues) "Anthony's decision to die"


Matt Davidson (Artwork)

Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker, Michael Bachelard & Dan Quinlan (Coverage of an Issue)

Nick McKenzie & Richard Baker (Feature writing)

Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker, Michael Bachelard & Dan Quinlan (Investigations)

James Massola, Richard Willingham & Fergus Hunter (Breaking news)

Alex Ellinghausen (Innovation in journalism)

Beau Donelly (News report)

Adam Carey (Transport)


Age reporters Nick McKenzie, Adele Ferguson and Mario Christodoulou were involved in two ABC TV feature Quills.

Fairfax Media's Melissa Cunningham from the Ballarat Courier won a Quill for her coverage of the Ballarat Royal Commission.

Tess Ikonomou from Monash University was the student journalist of the year for a story that appeared in The Age.

The ABC's Caro Meldrum-Hanna was the Graham Perkin Australian journalist of the year and the Gold Quill was won by ABC 7.30's Louise Milligan and Andy Burns.