
Anne Summers

Anne Summers is a Fairfax Media columnist.

CEOs from across every industry, super funds and major sporting bodies have written to PM Malcolm Turnbull, calling on ...

Turnbull can't promise leadership like it's not already his job

When a Prime Minister goes on television and promises he will provide "leadership", as Malcolm Turnbull did on Wednesday over the supposed crisis in gas and other energy supplies, you have to wonder what he thinks his job is if not to lead. All the time.

Pussy hat was on the cover of both <i>Time</i> magazine and <i>The New Yorker</i> – seemingly already the iconic ...

The pink woollen hat you'll be seeing a lot more of

It has the potential to become as potent an international symbol of protest and resistance as the iconic 1960 Alberto Korda photograph of Che Guevara that has for decades adorned millions of t-shirts, or the early emblem of the women's liberation movement: the clenched fist inside the symbol for women.

Our political leaders are ill-equipped to help us deal with the frightening world about to be unleashed by Donald Trump.

Let's make politicians great again

As we all wait in fear and trepidation to see what the new US President Donald Trump will do, to his country and to the world, including our region, it is utterly dispiriting to realise how ill-equipped our own political leaders are.

The process to draw up the Australia Day and Queen's Birthday honours lists is cumbersome, onerous and biased.

The British nail it, but we're left with 34,533 Johns

Many Australians like to think of the British as stuffy, toffy and class-bound by their centuries of royal and aristocratic hierarchy and privilege. This view was reinforced by the parliamentarians' expenses scandal a few years back, when we chortled over the British MP claiming for the maintenance of his moat.