Federal Politics

Lift GST, says OECD in dismal report card

Treasurer Scott Morrison will be presented with the damning report in Baden Baden.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has castigated Australia for inadequate progress on tax, Indigenous affairs and support for business in a report card to be presented to finance ministers from the group of 20 leading industrial nations in Germany on Saturday.

Consumer confidence in housing at lowest level in 40 years

Housing confidence has plummeted.

Consumer confidence in the Australian housing market has collapsed to its lowest level in 27 years, with the proportion of Australians believing real estate was the wisest place to put savings falling to below 12 per cent, the lowest level since 1974.

Unions, Labor split over ACTU 'law-breaking' call

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has refused to back down on her comments that some laws should be broken.

The labour movement has split in the wake of controversial comments from the ACTU's newly minted secretary Sally McManus defending law-breaking industrial behaviour that has sparked a furious government attack on the Opposition.

40 years later, the Snowy Mountains Scheme is back in vogue

A Sydney Morning Herald drawing showing Sir William Hudson in front of one of the Snowy Mountains Scheme dams.

It is easy now, as thousands stream blithely each winter to the ski fields of the Snowy Mountains, to overlook the monumental events of last century on those heights that still affect our daily lives and our industries, and how, in the exploitation of the high country, Australia was transformed, economically and culturally.