
Latest Business News

Treasurer Scott Morrison will be presented with the damning report in Baden Baden.

Lift GST, says OECD in dismal report card

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has castigated Australia for inadequate progress on tax, Indigenous affairs and support for business in a report card to be presented to finance ministers from the group of 20 leading industrial nations in Germany on Saturday.

Slater & Gordon's has suffered a backlash from shareholders over its pay packages.

Slater and Gordon expected to avoid collapse

Financially distressed listed law firm Slater and Gordon is expected to avoid collapse after confirming that its new senior lenders are supportive of a restructure of the company.

Illustration: Glen Le Lievre

How the two-speed economy worm has turned

If you learn nothing else about the economy, remember that it moves not in straight lines but in cycles of good times followed by bad times, and bad times followed by good.

This clearly isn't a few bad apples but an orchard.

A few bad apples? It's a dodgy adviser orchard

A report into the financial planning arms of the big four banks and AMP found 185 planners were "dishonest, illegal, deceptive and/or fraudulent" in their dealings with customers.

Peter Kell, deputy chairman at ASIC, has criticised the banks.

'Wake up call' - report rips into banks on planners

Australia biggest banks are taking up to six months to notify the corporate watchdog when they find misbehaving advisers and frequently fail to properly check the background of the financial planners they employ.

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The investment climate is shifting

It isn't just the Federal Reserve, but many other central banks are talking about normalising policy, while financial institutions make the cost to borrow more expensive. (Video produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets).

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Lort Smith Animal Hospital

CEO David Herman talks about his plans for Lort Smith, the only animal hospital in Australia, and how he has brought his experience from the private sector to a charity he is passionate about.

Small Business