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What’s crucial is the mentality of conquest and occupation


An interview with J. Sakai, author of Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern conducted by Gabriel Kuhn.

Q. You have said that settlerism has made fascism in the U.S. unnecessary because “however good or bad the economic situation was, white settlers were getting the best of what was available”. Is this changing? Does it, at least partly, explain Trump?

A....The unspoken key to Trump’s victory was certainly fascism, although no one wants to say it. Instead, we get all this liberal capitalist coverup about how resentful white workers and others in their backward “loser” post-industrial communities are to blame.

What the real deal is: Between 1963 and 1968, as violent and massive Black ghetto “riots” spread, the u.s. ruling class made two critical decisions. That Civil Rights would be made national law as an “airbag” to cushion the crash of repressing Black revolution, and that the real costs of any “integration” would be shifted completely onto the euro-settler working class.

People who weren’t around then can’t realize how bitter and explosive this was...

Read more: Kersplebedeb: (originally published on analyse & kritik)
Buy Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to Modern
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