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Nuclear War? Nah. Massive Fires Haunt the Dystopian Future

"In 2013 author Elizabeth Hand was invited to Washington DC by a think tank that thought her experience writing dystopian science fiction might give her a useful perspective on current climate change challenges. Hand is well-versed in doomsday scenarios, but what she learned at the think tank about the risk of massive fires really startled her.

“We’re not looking at if a mega-fire is going to happen and overtake a major urban area, or a major residential area, it’s a matter of when,” Hand says in Episode 250 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “And we are not at all prepared for it.”..."

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Listen to the full interview: Wired's Geek’s Guide to Culture
Buy Fire.

The Bonnot Gang: Two Reviews in Briarpatch Magazine


"...Both books are great individually, but when read together, they fill gaps created by the other’s genre. Where Parry gives a detailed and documented history, Cacucci articulates emotion and subjectivity through his narrative. The only thing I found wanting in the texts was their treatment of the women involved as background subjects. These women were writers, journal co-editors, and active proponents of free love. They were also, importantly, involved in clandestine activities, and these two books would be richer if they engaged with the strong history of individualist-anarchist women. That said, both authors have a deep understanding of and sympathy for the philosophies and desires of the individuals involved in the Bonnot Gang, bringing out powerful accounts of this too-often ignored group in anarchist history..."—Chris Kortright, Briarpatch Magazine

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Buy Without a Glimmer of Remorse
Buy The Bonnot Gang: The Story of the French Illegalists, 2nd ed.

The Football Factory; one of Irvine Welsh's 10 Favorite Books


Irvine Welsh chooses John King’s The Football Factory as one of his 10 Favorite Books in The New York Times and on One Grand Books.

"“Coventry are fuck all. They’ve got a shit team and shit support. Hitler had the right idea when he flattened the place.” Yes, I was hooked from the opening sentences too. This is the most important English novel since Orwell put pen to paper."—Irvine Welsh

Irvine Welsh roared on to the literary scene with his 1993 novel, Trainspotting, a blisteringly funny and impassioned novel about a young junkie, Mark Renton, and his lunatic friends in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Buy The Football Factory

Reassessing the Transnational Turn —Out Now!

In the context of resurgent populist nationalism across the global North, especially Europe, as well as parts of the Global South, Reassessing the Transnational Turn is a timely and welcome exploration focusing on the high point of the historical anarchist movement, approximately between the 1870s and 1939. In it, some of the more problematic, politically ambiguous, and underexplored relationships between anarchist movements and (trans)nationalism are interrogated by a range of historians and political scholars.

Contributors include Davide Turcato, Ruth Kinna, Isabelle Felici, Kenyon Zimmer, Pietro Di Paola, Raymond Craib, Nino Kühnis, and Martin Baxmeyer.

Buy Reassessing the Transnational Turn: Scales of Analysis in Anarchist and Syndicalist Studies

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