School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford. © Tom Weller
"Welcome to the School of Geography and Environment, an intellectually vibrant, research-intensive academic department at the centre of British geography."
Professor Heather Viles, Head of School

An academic department of the University of Oxford, the School is internationally recognised for the quality of its teaching, research and wider engagement. In addition to world leading education and research in the School, we host three internationally recognised research centres and lead cross-university initiatives and collaborative networks.

  • Environmental Change Institute
  • Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
  • Transport Studies Unit

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Video: SoGE Annual Lecture 2017 - Geography and heritage conservation: Making our research useful

Professor Heather Viles, Head of School and Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage Conservation | March 2017

Watch Professor Heather Viles' lecture on youtube.

Forthcoming Events

Setting conservation priorities in Indonesian New Guinea
Dr Rodrigo Camara Leret, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. A J Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking required.
Holocene climate change and the domestication of SW Amazonia
Prof Frank Mayle, University of Reading. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. J Gottmann Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking required.
Moths, Mountains and Canopy Cranes: or, how to keep busy in your declining years!
Prof Roger Kitching, Professor Emeritus, Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University, Australia. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking required.
Bio- and geopolitics in historical perspective - A trans-disciplinary workshop
This two-day workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of Geographers, Historians and Political Scientists to reflect on the origins and intersections of modern geo- and biopolitics. Registration required.
4th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference
The 4th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert conference provides a forum for researchers and those interested in desert and dryland environments and societies to present, discuss and debate dryland themes and research. Registration now open.

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Undergraduate Honour School

Undergraduate Honour School

Experience the unique and integrative undergraduate geography degree programme at a university leading the way in geographical teaching and research. Our undergraduate degree provides students with a wide range of experience and skills across the breadth of geography, based on in-depth teaching from our many expert staff.
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International Graduate School

International Graduate School

With over 200 graduate students from a range of nationalities, professional and disciplinary backgrounds we are one of the largest, most diverse and vibrant graduate schools in the world offering six advanced degrees in Geography and the Environment.
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Our Research

The School is undertaking world-class interdisciplinary research, addressing societal and environmental problems, and advancing knowledge within an exciting research environment. Find out more

Our Research Centres

In addition to world leading education and research in the School, we host three internationally recognised research centres and lead cross-university initiatives and collaborative networks.

  • Environmental Change Institute

    Environmental Change Institute

    The ECI is an interdisciplinary institute for research on the complex processes of global environmental change, the exploration of sustainable solutions, and the promotion of change for the better through partnership and education. Find out more

  • Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

    Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

    The SSEE is enabling business and governments to address the global energy, environment and sustainable development challenges of the 21st century. Find out more

  • Transport Studies Unit

    Transport Studies Unit

    The Transport Studies Unit seeks to advance innovative approaches to the study of 'transport futures' over time and space. Find out more

Our Research Networks

  • Oxford Networks for the Environment

    Oxford Networks for the Environment

    The Oxford Networks for the Environment mobilise the University's expertise to find solutions to the complex, converging challenges of energy, water, food security, climate change, and threats to biodiversity. Find out more