Simon Copland


Writer and campaigner. Columnist with . Rugby union and Bowie fanatic.


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    Like my Facebook page and keep up to date with all my writing. :)

  2. From when leading gay activists thought noisy public debates about discrimination were a GOOD thing. cf

  3. Will they be shutting down the camp now? That'd be awesome.

  4. Have so far ticked off 7 out of 16 things on my to-do list for this week. Smashing it.

  5. Was doing well. Then hit a wall. Must. Push. Through.

  6. $50 billion on submarines. Imagine where else that money could go...

  7. Things you can order in the local take away joint in

  8. . being ridiculously beautiful in Autumn.

  9. This won’t lead to more “frank and fearless” advice, it just makes public decision-making even less accountable

  10. Wrong decision , wrong decision!

  11. Simon Copland 关注了
    • @ThorgyThor

      classical musician - performer - all around crazy person. Born and raised new york performance artist.

    • @charlottewoodau

      Author The Natural Way of Things, (out June 2016 in UK & North America), Animal People & other books.

  12. Brandis on CSIRO cuts: “If the science is settled, why do we need research scientists to continue inquiring into the settled science?"

  13. Taking to Parliament. Wow our Parliamentarians are children!

  14. Just after our Telstra podcast came out they 180'd again, but here's on how it doesn't matter anyway:

  15. I like the word ridiculousness


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