May 2016



Imperial Blues: On Whitewashing Dictatorship in the 21st Century


Stoking the Fires: Trump and His Legions


Libya: How to Bring Down a Nation


What Happened to Netanyahu?


Reentry Through Resistance: Détente with Cuba was Accomplished Through Resistance and Solidarity, Not Imperial Benevolence


From Tehran to Atlanta: Social Justice Lawyer Azadeh Shahshahani’s Fight for Human Rights


Trump, Sanders and the Exhaustion of a Political Model


“Network” 40 Years Later: Capitalism in Retrospect and Prospect and Elite Politics Today


Chile’s Robocops


What’ll It be Folks: Xenophobia or Genocide?


Emailgate: the Clinton Spin Doctors In Action


The Unique Risks of GM Crops: Science Trumps PR, Fraud and Smear Campaigns


Jessica Williams, 29: Another Black Woman Gunned Down By Police


Rules for TV News Anchors, on Memorial Day and Every Day


“Paradise Lost” with Lijon Eknilang – Marshall Islands


The State of the Left: Many Movements, Too Many Goals?


The Intricacies of Language


Hillary, Honduras, and the Murder of My Friend Berta


Airstrikes on ISIS are Reducing Their Cities to Ruins


The Center Doesn’t Hold


The Sailors of the USS Liberty: They, Too, Deserve to Be Honored


Barack Obama’s Legacy: What Happened?


Just the Facts: The Speech Obama Should Have Given at Hiroshima


Trade Pacts and Deregulation: Latest Leaks Reveal Core Problem with TISA


Still Wavy After All These Years: Flower Geezer Turns 80


The Funny Business of Farm Credit


Memorial Day and the Glorification of Past Wars


From Albrecht to Monsanto: A System Not Run for the Public Good Can Never Serve the Public Good


White Rose Begins Leaflet Campaigns June 1942


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July 06, 2017
Lawrence Davidson
Walls For the Dead
Daniel Raventós - Julie Wark
Turkey Puts the Kibosh on Natural Selection
Robert Hunziker
The Pingo Evidence: Global Warming is a Threat to Humanity
Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
Trump: Thunders and Traps
Ginger Jentzen
Socialists Spearhead Victory on $15 in Minneapolis
David Macaray
A Few Things Everybody Should Know
Stu Harrison
Filipinos Fight Forced Migration
Mel Gurtov
APB: The US-China-North Korea Tangle
Bruce Stinson
Tony the Goose: Australia Under Abbott
Jesse Jackson
Time for a Citizens’ Commission to Defend Our Right to Vote
Terry Simons
Nobody’s Business But Your Own
Andrew Stewart
Bernie Sanders Turns His Back on Single-Payer
July 05, 2017
John Wight
For the US and Its Allies, the Road to Tehran Runs Through Damascus and Southern Lebanon
Jonathan Cook
The Useful Idiots Who Undermine Dissent on Syria
Gerald Sussman
Political Myth-Making and State Legitimacy
John W. Whitehead
You Want a Picture of the Future? Imagine a Boot Stamping on Your Face
Ray McGovern
The Great Power Shift: a Russia-China Alliance
Pepe Escobar
Washington and Berlin on a Collision Course
Freddie Whitlow
Red State Doctors: Why Immigration From Muslim Majority Countries Matters for Rural America
Nozomi Hayase
The Invisible Wound of Empire
Charles Pierson
Pat Toomey Needs Paxil
Marius Trotter
Bleeding Portland and the Collapse of the Two Capitalist Parties
Charles R. Larson
The Crybaby in the White House
July 04, 2017
Paul Street
On American Revolution
Bruce E. Levine
Presidential Misogyny: From Jefferson to Trump
Ron Jacobs
I Was Born Here, So What
Kathy Kelly
What Does War Generate?
Jerry Lembcke
Flashbacks, Fireworks—and Cars that Backfire?
Norman Solomon
The Trump-Putin Meeting and the Fate of the Earth
Serge Halimi
The Politics of No Politics
Howard Lisnoff
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!
Alexander Main – Annie Bird
The Deadly Results of a DEA Backed Raid in Honduras
Lina Yassin
Climate Change Threatens Uninhabitable Conditions for the Middle East and North Africa
Scott Anthony
What Kwame Nkrumah Could Teach Brexit: Seizing Britain’s Post-Colonial Moment
July 03, 2017
John Steppling
Waving From the Rooftops
Patrick Cockburn
The Fall of Mosul is a Defeat for Isis, But It Remains a Deadly Force
Aidan O'Brien
Where Did Britain’s Racists Go? 
Stephen Cooper
Hey, Gov. McAuliffe: a Democratic Standard-Bearer Would Grant Morva Mercy
Thomas Mountain
Behind the Scenes at the Saudi-Qatari Pissing Contest
Ray McGovern
What Trump Can Expect from Putin
Ted Rall
I’m in Awe of the Liars at the LA Times
Wim Laven
A Political or Apolitical Fourth of July?
Cesar Chelala
Solving Donald Trump’s Mystery
Binoy Kampmark
Costly Representation: The Georgia Congressional Election
Steve Cooper
Dodgy Prophecy and American Foreign Policy 