Last Update 17:22
Saturday, 18 March 2017
PHOTO GALLERY: Massive pharaonic statue lifted in Cairo's Matariya

Antiquities workers cover a massive statue, that may be of pharaoh Ramses II, one of the country's most famous ancient rulers, after it was pulled out of groundwater in a Cairo slum, Egypt, Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP)
A massive statue, that may be of pharaoh Ramses II, one of the country's most famous ancient rulers, is surrounded by antiquities workers after it was pulled out of groundwater in a Cairo slum, Egypt, Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP)
Antiquities officials watch a massive statue, that may be of pharaoh Ramses II, one of the country's most famous ancient rulers, as it is pulled out of groundwater in a Cairo slum, Egypt, Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP)
A massive statue, that may be of pharaoh Ramses II, one of the country's most famous ancient rulers, is pulled out of grondwater in a Cairo slum, Egypt, Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP)
A massive statue, that may be of pharaoh Ramses II, one of the country's most famous ancient rulers, is pulled out of grondwater in a Cairo slum, Egypt, Monday, March 13, 2017. (AP)
Statues of the kings and queens of the nineteenth dynasty (1295 - 1185 BC) were unearthed in the vicinity of the Temple of Ramses II in what was the old Pharonic city. (AFP)
Statues of the kings and queens of the nineteenth dynasty (1295 - 1185 BC) were unearthed in the vicinity of the Temple of Ramses II in what was the old Pharonic city. (AFP)
Statues of the kings and queens of the nineteenth dynasty (1295 - 1185 BC) were unearthed in the vicinity of the Temple of Ramses II in what was the old Pharonic city. (AFP)
Statues of the kings and queens of the nineteenth dynasty (1295 - 1185 BC) were unearthed in the vicinity of the Temple of Ramses II in what was the old Pharonic city. (AFP)
Statues of the kings and queens of the nineteenth dynasty (1295 - 1185 BC) were unearthed in the vicinity of the Temple of Ramses II in what was the old Pharonic city.

The German Egyptian Archaeological mission in collaboration with the Egyptian antiquities ministry have taken measures to secure the lift on Monday of the second part of a large statue discovered in the ground of the Souq El-Khamis area in El-Matariya last week.

The first part of the eight metre quartzite statue, which the archaeologists believe could be of Ramses II, was removed from the ground on Thursday.

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