Last Update 21:45
Wednesday, 15 March 2017

El-Warsha troupe to perform operetta Doomsday at D-CAF

The 1940s masterpiece will be performed at Falaki Theatre on Sunday

Amira Noshokaty , Wednesday 15 Mar 2017
Dooms Day
Dooms Day
Views: 147
Views: 147

On Sunday El-Warsha theatre troupe will perform one of the masterpieces of poet Beiram El-Tonsi, with accompaniment by musician Zakaria Ahmed at  the Falaki Theatre, as part of the D-CAF festival.

Youm El-Qiyama (Doomsday), an operetta, was written by El-Tonsi in the early 1940s and first sung by the diva of the day, Fathia Ahmed.

However, the adaptation by El-Warsha is more focused on the brilliant music and songs, stitching them together to form a story.

The performance includes a special photo gallery celebrating the troupe's 30 years of telling stories and creating art.


8pm, Sunday 19 March

Falaki Theatre,



Short link:


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