
Karl Marx: man and fighter - Boris Nicolaievsky and Otto Maenchen-Helfen

Karl Marx

Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx.
1933 biography of Karl Marx by Otto Maenchen-Helfen and Boris Ivanovich Nicolaevsky (1887-1966), who was a revolutionary Russian Marxist activist, archivist, and historian. Nicolaevsky is best remembered as one of the leading Menshevik public intellectuals of the 20th Century.

Black Reconstruction in America: W.E.B. Du Bois

Black Reconstruction in America:

W.E.B. Du Bois's massive essay about the Reconstruction period in the aftermath of the US Civil War. Du Bois argues that the period represented an potential revolutionary moment in which the southern black population played an active and crucial role.

Secrets and bombs: The Piazza Fontana bombing and the Strategy of Tension

The Italicus Express bombing by fascists, 1974

Extremely informative set of writings on the Italian secret state counter-subversion program during the mass struggles of the 1960s and 70s.

Snitches, stings, and leaks: how “Immigration Enforcement” works - Corporate Watch

An immigration raid

A detailed report into the functioning of the immigration enforcement system in the UK, following high-profile raids at Deliveroo and Byron burgers.

Out of the Red Closet: Gay and Lesbian Experiences in the Previous Communist Movement

A pamphlet put out by the defunct Kasama Project, detailing accounts of former members and supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Party in the USA who were homosexual and the treatment they received by the party. The accounts contain mental and emotional abuse and bigoted language.

Hamburgers vs value - Kämpa Tillsammans

Article by 'Marcel' of Swedish communist group 'Kämpa Tillsammans', examining the relationship between informal workplace activity in a hamburger restaurant, and the broader communist movement, with a section at the end co-authored by Marcel and Gillés Dauve.

Our enemies in blue - Kristian Williams

Let's begin with the basics: violence is an inherent part of policing.

Anarchy #042

Issue of Anarchy magazine from August 1964

Anarchy #039

Issue of Anarchy magazine from May 1964