Expanded Notes on the Police, their Predecessors, and the White Hell of Civil Society

We finally added the ‘expanded edition’ of our new article, “Delusions of Progress: Expanded Notes on the Police, their Predecessors, and the White Hell of Civil Society.” It’s also available for printing and distribution in the menu above.

Delusions of Progress: Expanded Notes on the Police, their Predecessors, and the White Hell of Civil Society

“Many people find it astonishing that the police have predecessors. They seem to imagine that the cop has always been there, in something like his present capacity, subject only to the periodic change of uniform or the occasional technological advance.”

Kristian Williams, Our Enemies in Blue

“It is not my intention to argue that the differences between slavery and freedom were negligible; certainly such an assertion would be ridiculous. Rather, it is to examine the shifting and transformed relations of power that brought about the resubordination of the emancipated, the control and domination of the free black population, and the persistent production of blackness as abject, threatening, servile, dangerous, dependent, irrational, and infectious.”

Saidiya Hartman, Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America

Late in the evening on May 27th, 1821, Joe Forest and two accomplices canoed down the Santee River to South Island, nestled between the major port cities of Charleston and Georgetown in South Carolina.[1] The three fugitive slaves arrived on George Ford’s plantation to steal some cattle for provisions for their camp further up river; such raids were commonplace for maroons who chose not to flee the South and instead made a life for themselves in the swamps and wilderness surrounding plantations.[2] While the men were slaughtering a cow and preparing it for the journey, George Ford was alerted to their presence and came out to pursue the men. Rather than face capture or death at the hands of the planter, the maroons shot at George Ford, who died almost instantly. On that night there began a three year search for Joe and his maroon gang by the white citizenry of coastal South Carolina, resulting in the first official police association in the area where Joe’s camp was hidden. Continue reading

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Delusions of Progress: Tracing the Origins of the Police in the Slave Patrols of the Old South

Hey yall, a heads up: Just added to the zine menu a tw0-to-a-page pdf of our Delusions of Progress article that originally appeared in Scalawag magazine. It’s laid out with the intention of being easy to mass print large numbers for demos and rallies.

Stay tuned for a longer, updated version of this same piece, with expanded notes in the concluding section, that will be available in a larger, longer zine format. Please share widely!


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Unforgiving and Inconsolable: Durham Against the Police, Collected Texts Winter 2013-2014

chuycomppicWe’re happy to announce that a new zine, Unforgiving and Inconsolable: Durham Against the Police is now available for download and printing. The zine compiles writings released in the heat of battle over the last few months, as three separate marches protesting the police detention and murder of Chuy Huerta brought the town’s distrust and anger with its police to the fore. New relationships were made while new ground was broken, which will hopefully continue as people continue to assemble and reflect upon the past few months. The following is from the zine’s introduction: Continue reading

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Text for The Lowry Wars

Hey yall, many folks asked to have just the text available from the Lowry Wars publication, so here it is. I havent taken a tremendous amount of time to reformat for wordpress, so there will be typos, as well as some footnote issues….for those i suggest going to the pdf version on the site here. I hope this is useful, nonetheless…. Continue reading

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New Zine Available: The Lowry Wars

Hey y’all,

Just in time for the 3rd Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair, we’re excited to announce that the NC Piece Corps has published a new zine (on the menu above). The Lowry Wars: attacking North Carolina’s plantation society in the age of Reconstruction surveys the turbulent eight years of struggle against White supremacy and the plantation system in Robeson County, NC after the Civil War. The passive resistance of Black and Lumbee communities of the time gave way to an aggressive campaign of attack against the White establishment of the time, all the while exposing the hypocrisy, limitations, and true function of the Republican Party’s Reconstruction efforts as it abandoned its attempts at racial reconciliation to subdue and repress the popular uprising. From the text: Continue reading

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Announcing the 3rd Annual Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair!

We are excited to announce the 3rd annual Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair for the weekend of November 10th. In the past two years these bookfairs have served as a gathering place and melting pot of radical ideas and texts, workshops and discussions, and action in our region. Long-time friends and comrades, book lovers and firebrands, and the openly curious are all invited to attend. Continue reading

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North Carolina: Prisoners at 3 Facilities Begin Hunger Strike

On Monday July 16th, prisoners at Central Prison in Raleigh, Bertie CI in Windsor, and Scotland CI in Laurinburg all began a coordinated hunger strike. The men have issued a series of demands revolving around food, healthcare, abuse by guards, and in particular for a return of prison law libraries, and are encouraging other prisoners to join in with their own actions and demands. They are also calling for the release of those on I-Con status and the abolition of separate control statuses. Continue reading

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