
Useful Information


OHCHR report 2015 OHCHR Report 2015
OHCHR Management Plan 2014-2017 OHCHR Management Plan 2014-2017
Brochure: Human Rights in action Human Rights in Action (PDF)
Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society A Handbook for Civil Society (PDF)

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Saudi Arabia and UN Charter-based Bodies

Saudi Arabia and UN Treaty Bodies

Most recent concluding observations

Committee on the Rights of the Child
Concluding observations (2016) CRC/C/SAU/CO/3-4

Committee against Torture
Concluding observations (2016) CAT/C/SAU/CO/2

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Concluding observations (2008) CEDAW/C/SAU/CO/2

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Concluding observations (2003) CERD/C/62/CO/8

>>Full list of documents in the Treaty Body Database

OHCHR in Saudi Arabia

On 27 June 2012, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between OHCHR and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Saudi Human Rights Commission.
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Contact Information


Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division (FOTCD)
Contact is in Geneva, Switzerland.

Middle East and North Africa Section
Tel. +41 22 928 9153

Feature stories



External Links

Note: OHCHR is not responsible for the content of external links.

OHCHR in the field

Regional Offices

Country Offices

Human Rights Components of Peace Missions

Human Rights Advisors

Action 2

Technical Cooperation Programme

National Human Rights Institutions