Transurban CEO Scott Charlton sees 2020s transport 'revolution'

Transurban CEO Scott Charlton says "freedom of movement" in cities is increasingly important.
Transurban CEO Scott Charlton says "freedom of movement" in cities is increasingly important. Louise Kennerley

Transport is facing its biggest transformation since Henry Ford's Model T motorcar was introduced in 1908 as new technology emerges to tackle congestion, Transurban chief executive Scott Charlton has forecast.

"I believe that the 2020s will be the decade of the transport revolution," Mr Charlton told The Australian Financial Review Business Summit in Sydney.

"This means over the next five years, industry and government will have to prepare for the biggest transformation of the transport sector since Henry Ford's Model T rolled off his assembly line."

The Model T, nicknamed the 'Tin Lizzie', was a reliable, affordable car that created a mass market for automobiles in the US. More than 15 million were built and sold.

Henry Ford with his Model T. Scott Charlton says the transport industry is set for its biggest change since Ford rolled ...
Henry Ford with his Model T. Scott Charlton says the transport industry is set for its biggest change since Ford rolled the Model T off the production line more than 100 years ago.

The emergence of electric and driverless cars, as well as intelligent transport systems and so-called "mobility-as-a-service" technology – which allows users to plan and book door-to-door trips using a single app – will "fundamentally change" how people use and pay for transport and help manage congestion, Mr Charlton said.

First signs of change

"We're already seeing the first signs of change – autonomous vehicles on the motorways, integrated transport apps, ride-sharing services, and manufacturers delivering electric platforms."

Research by the tollroad company shows 98 per cent of Australians are concerned about rising traffic congestion, he said.

"Every day people are tweeting about traffic and taking photos of gridlock. It's a global conversation and shows that freedom of movement in our cities is one of the most important issues in our modern lives."

Transport policy decisions today will determine the evolution of mobility over the next 10 to 30 years, he said.

Policy reform is key

"The key will be guiding consumer behaviour through effective regulation at this time of inflection.... Technology combined with policy reform are the keys to making change happen."

Transurban is trying to encourage policy reform and technology adoption by running its own trials on user-pays systems for roads. The company benefits financially from less congested tollroads, because they allow traffic to flow faster, enabling more tolls to be charged.

Mr Charlton argued user-pays systems, which involve tracking how far motorists drive with GPS systems and then charging them for the distance they travel, create "sustainable" revenue streams for governments.

Infrastructure Australia has recommended that federal, state and territory governments replace fuel excise taxes and vehicle registration fees with road user charging for cars in the next 10 years, but the Commonwealth said in December that it cannot support the plan until a public inquiry into the current road funding system is completed.

Transurban claims its research shows 60 per cent of Australians would prefer user-pays charging. "We understand there are significant social, political and technical challenges to achieving road usage reform, but none that cannot be overcome," Mr Charlton said.

From engineering to technology

A user-pays model would need to connect and integrate Australia's state-based transport systems, harmonising license, registration and permit regulations, he said.

"We need a national standard for telematics, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications including traffic services as well as a national enforcement framework."

Transurban has partnered with the Virginia Department of Transportation and Virginia Tech to test driverless cars on some of its US tollroads, and is planning similar trials in Melbourne.

It wants to integrate its services with car manufacturers' technology, and provide vehicle-to-infrastructure or operator-to-cloud services, Mr Charlton said.

"This involves a broadening of our focus from a traditional engineering business to a substantial technology business."