Mutiny zine issue #66

Mutiny zine for July/August (#66) is now available.

There are articles on:

Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair

The second Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair will be held at Abbotsford Convent (St Heliers Street, Abbotsford) from 10am-6pm on Saturday 4th of August. The bookfair consists of up to 40 stalls of independent book-sellers and activist groups. Alongside the stalls there will be about 21 one-hour workshops running all day on all kinds of anarchist and direct action topics. There is also a small kids’ space with volunteers to help carers, or for carers to self-organise child minding, or if the kids just want to play indoors.

Trans anti-police project

This is a communiqué written by Unicorns Against the Existent, it is in response to a recent police propaganda campaign and ‘out reach’ program targeting transgendered people.

We are anarchists, Trans and (?), who recognise that our oppression is brutally created and maintained by capitalism and the state. The police as the armed enforcers of the state and guardians of capital, have not only contributed to our violent oppression in the past (incarcerating us for being queer) but also repress and pacify our struggle for total liberation in the present. Continue reading “Trans anti-police project”

Poster: on the police murder of Roberto Laudisio Curti

Poster produced and distributed by some Sydney anarchists.

“Police. Thugs. Murderers.

Roberto ‘Betinho’ Luadisio Curti, a  21 year old student from Brazil, died after being capsicum sprayed and tasered by Sydney police. He may or may not have stolen a packet of biscuits. Continue reading “Poster: on the police murder of Roberto Laudisio Curti”

Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece

Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece: Friday March 29th, 7pm – 11pm at 251 High Street Northcote, Melbourne

A few comrades in Melbourne have organised a forum on the austerity measures & debt ‘crisis’ in greece set for Thursday, March 29th, in Northcote. Melbourne. On the night comrades in the antagonist movement in greece will be talking to us live via skype. We have a hospital worker from the workers collective occupation / self management of Kilkis general hospital speaking to us and two other speakers confirmed, including a member of ESE (greek anarchist sydicalist organisation) who will provide us with updates on the struggle, especially regarding base unions and workers occupations. There will be a rembetiko band (greek ‘outlaw’ folk) playing afterwards, as well as a short film from the antagonist movement and some anarchist poetry during the night.

All funds raised are going to prison solidarity initiatives for imprisoned anarchist comrades in greece. Continue reading “Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece”