Mexico: Open letter of imprisoned comrade Braulio Duran to Felicity Ryder


Felicity: Hello, compañera. First of all, I hope that you’re doing well wherever you are. I know perfectly well this probably isn’t the case, because of everything that has happened in this past period, referring to everything — physically, mentally, and much much deeper in your heart.

You know, I have just decided to write you this letter, and really I don’t have the faintest idea what is pushing me. It’s simply something deep within me that says do it and, well, I hope that one day you can read it and somehow you can feel my support. Perhaps I’m being compelled by solidarity, comradeship, friendship, I don’t know, because I have never met you and I don’t have the faintest idea who you are or what you like to do in your ‘free’ time. But, well, all that aside, here I am, compañera. I am with you in much more than in simple letters that can be read as ‘beautiful’… Continue reading “Mexico: Open letter of imprisoned comrade Braulio Duran to Felicity Ryder”

Letter of Felicity Ryder from clandestinity on the recent conditional release of Mario López from the Mexican prisons

from Contrainfo, translated from Spanish

To my brother Mario,

Six months have passed since you were kidnapped that night out of bad luck, since you were tortured and threatened, since your family and friends were harassed. For six months they tried everything to break your acratist spirit – they locked your body within four walls and innumerable bars, away from the wild forests where you belong, but could not penetrate your mind at all times that you were close to your comrades in affinity across the world. They made you undergo pain, but your willingness to fight always won.

They tried to hinder your advocates in affinity, in order to stop them from expressing their solidarity with you, not realizing that a couple of male strangers lurking in the shadows at dawn and some empty death threats would not be able to stop those who are willing to fight alongside you. They sent their prisoners-traitors to do you harm, but the solidarity which was sown always proved stronger. During these months you mocked the enemy, enduring the pain, incertitude and torture of the confinement of a savage individual, and each long second you clung tight to your convictions. You used all your bursting energy to propagate freedom in every step, succeeding even in such an infertile place to continue the analysis of our insurrectional struggle, without ever stopping to fight, even for a second, for freedom and anarchy. Continue reading “Letter of Felicity Ryder from clandestinity on the recent conditional release of Mario López from the Mexican prisons”

Mexican authorities still seek Victorian anarchist

The Age, December 31: The parents of a Victorian woman wanted for questioning by Mexican counter-terrorism investigators insist their daughter is a ”caring and gentle person” who had no direct involvement with anarchist bombings.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed Mexican authorities are still seeking Felicity Ryder, a Melbourne University graduate and political activist who has been linked to an anarchist activist allegedly responsible for explosions in Mexico City six months ago.

Ms Ryder came to Mexican police attention in late June 2012 after her passport was found in the backpack of alleged bomber Mario Antonio Lopez Hernandez, who was arrested after being wounded by the accidental explosion of an improvised explosive device.

Documents released to Fairfax Media under Freedom of Information legislation show that Ms Ryder did not report her passport lost or stolen and has not contacted the Australian Embassy in Mexico City to seek consular assistance.

She is wanted for questioning by investigators from the Mexican Attorney-General’s Department who have undertaken to notify Australian authorities in the event of her arrest.

Fairfax revealed in November that Ms Ryder was the subject of a probe by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation that included inquiries in her home town of Rutherglen. Continue reading “Mexican authorities still seek Victorian anarchist”

Mexico: New letter from Mario López “El Tripa”

July 31: Compañer@s, I`ll try to make this as brief as possible, as I´ll have more than enough time in the future to lay out my stance and my reflections. My position remains the same: I claim myself absolutely as an Anarchist and the only one responsible for my acts. For now, I´ll limit myself to thanking my compañer@s of affinity for their solidarity and to ¨denounce¨ just a few deeds of many within this deceitful process which all began the moment I claimed myself an Anarchist, of which I do not regret. ¡Never apologetic! Continue reading “Mexico: New letter from Mario López “El Tripa””

Letter from Felicity Ryder from somewhere outside the cages

Note: According to reports, (English translation) Chilean police are also conducting an investigation into Felicity Ryder, as she spent two months there in 2011. They are investigating whether she may have had contact with local anarchist groups and investigating any connection with a bombing. Solidarity with Mario Lopez website here.

from Liberacion Total

Comrades, friends,

I would have liked to have written earlier, but for various circumstances I haven´t had the chance to yet. I want to send a warm greeting and say thanks to everyone who has worried about me and my situation, to those who have shown solidarity with Mario and I. In these difficult moments it means a lot to have people standing in solidarity from near or from far, even without ever having met me. I sent a revolutionary hug to all of you.

I want to clarify that despite all of the lies of the Mexico City police forces and the mass media, I was never arrested and they never had me detained in any of their prisons. I have tried to understand why they would have said that and spread such false information throughout Mexico as well as Australia, but at the end of the day, as a free person I don´t think like a police officer, and I won´t be able to understand. If it was to try in vain to break or manipulate Mario, to manipulate my family, or to try to appear half competent in doing their jobs, I don´t know.

What I do know is that I am proud of being an Anarchist, and proud to be an enemy of authority and the State.

To my brother Mario, I send him a giant hug and much strength and health. I know that he will always maintain his convictions strong, as well as his desire to achieve Total Liberation. I will always be by your side, compañero. Remember, always face to face with the enemy!

I also send a warm greeting to the fugitive comrades Diego Rios and Gabriela Curilem in Chile. A warm hug to the comrades from the CCF and Revolutionary Struggle in Greece, to the anarchist comrades in prison in Italy, to Braulio Duran, Luciano Pitronello, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, and to all of the anarchist prisoners and fugitives all over the world.

Que viva la Anarquia!


Continue reading “Letter from Felicity Ryder from somewhere outside the cages”

Felicity Ann Ryder: July 4/5 Update

Slackbastard: A brief update on Felicity‘s situation. According to El Universal, and contrary to other reports, Felicity has not been arrested but rather is being sought by police, to which end a warrant has been issued for her arrest by the Mexico City attorney general. Migration authorities and Interpol have also apparently been alerted. It would appear that Felicity is wanted for alleged participation in two actual bombings and two planned bombings, and if apprehended will be charged with property damage and attacks on the public peace. The article — Buscan a australiana por explosiones de DF — was published in the last 24 hours.

Joint statement of anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López

From slackbastard. Original, Spanish-language source here.

July 2, 2012

In the early morning of June 27 there was an explosion on the streets of Vicente Guerrero and Londres, in Del Carmen neighborhood, in Coyoacán. Compañero Mario Antonio López Hernández was found at the site with burns on various parts of his body. He was taken in an ambulance, watched over by police, to Rubén Leñero hospital, where his leg and arm were operated on.

At no time were his family members allowed to see him, much less was he allowed to be advised by a trustworthy lawyer in order to make a statement regarding the charges they were making. On the contrary, members of the Judicial Police of the Federal District accosted him with questions, pressuring him so he would respond, even though the compañero was not in a physical condition to make a statement as he was still anaesthetized, and he accepted his participation in other actions, in particular an explosion that occurred hours before at an ATM belonging to the Federal Electricity Commission.

It was only a day later, and due to the pressure exerted by several compañeros, that he finally was able to have contact with his lawyer and his family. His family’s house was raided, and they found nothing related to the charges. Since the morning of the day that Mario was found injured, the mainstream media have published articles presenting the compañero as a dangerous terrorist.

We have information that the police are trying to link more people to the events, specifically one Felicity Ryder, whose name has appeared in various mainstream media outlets as Mario’s supposed accomplice, even claiming she had been detained; however this has not been confirmed by the Federal Attorney General’s Office (PGR). Continue reading “Joint statement of anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López”