Indonesia: Billy released from prison

From 325: 22 November: Comrade Billy has been released from prison after serving a jail term for burning an ATM bank in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga in Chile. We welcome Billy back on to the streets with our raised fists and a salute to continue the fight. Billy had been imprisoned for a little over a year. His comrade, Eat, who is also a member of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/FRI, is still detained inside the prison.

Long live anarchy – Death to the state and the corporations.


Indonesia: letter from Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) in prison

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) is serving a 1 year 8 month jail term for burning down an ATM  along with Billy Augustan.

325: Dear comrades, proud ‘members’ of FAI/IRF Global, our imprisoned friends of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and all the groups, individuals, who dedicate their lives to end the mega-machine of control and domination and to all the anarcho-heretics.

It’s been quite long since I wrote an open-letter. I don’t know, all the circumstances here were sometimes too hectic to even try to focus on writing something. A mixture of personal-feelings for my loved ones, the process of the trial, and millions of ideas that sometimes came like a rain of stars. And I’m sure that we all miss the stars, the overwhelming feelings of our unlimited universe, possibility and it’s nihilistic essence. I must say that I’m still fortunate that they kept me inside a cage in this ‘Non’ maximum security prison. But my purpose here is not to tell ‘boring’ stories about the prison conditions I am in, for I know it only too well, it is merely a physical prison, a miniature of our modern society. But one cannot say that there’s no difference between here and outside. A physical prison is still the most worst place for a free person to be in. No one—no matter what crime they done — should be kept in prison. Continue reading “Indonesia: letter from Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) in prison”

Philippines: paint attack on Indonesian embassy

325: 24 May 2012 – Solidarity Action For Eat and Billy

A paint bomb attack against the Indonesian Embassy happened May 24,
2012 in the vicinity of Makati, Philippines. Around 1am a group of people started to throw a black paint to the wall and inside the perimeter of the said embassy. After that they left leaflets on the scene stating:





Indonesia: trial verdict for Eat and Billy

Negasi: The two combatants in Yogyakarta, Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat)  finally returned to stand trial for the eighth hearing. The trial was held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Billy & Eat were sentenced for 1 year 8 months.

Both comrades had been in prison since October 7, 2011, shortly after the successful attack on the capital property. Continue reading “Indonesia: trial verdict for Eat and Billy”

Indonesia: solidarity calls for Billy Augustan

(edit: better translation)
Hidup Biasa: We are asking for donations and solidarity for a member of our community.

As many of you know Billy Anjing was detained last year by the police for a political action. He is still being held and is currently on trial.

Last June Billy was in a motor accident. He was admitted to the hospital with a fractured skull and concussion. He left the hospital after 3 days because of misdiagnosis and poor medical treatment. After leaving the hospital he saw a specialist who stated he appeared to be alright but to IMMEDIATELY seek medical attention from a specialist if he was to have any symptoms or pain later.

For 2-3 weeks now, Billy has complained of frequent and severe headaches. He is also experiencing blurred vision and extreme pressure build-up, and his neck loses circulation (kesemutan) from time to time. Due to these symptoms he’s having great difficulty sleeping, writing, reading and seeing, and they seem to be getting rapidly worse as time goes by.

Unfortunately, medical care in prison is a nightmare… Here’s our step by step list of what needs to happen in order for Billy to get the medical attention he urgently needs:


1. pay guards
2. pay doctor at in-house clinic for consultation and referral letter
3. get referral letter to a specialist (this will also cost us money and we will most likely have to find the specialist)
4. pay to exit the jail or to have a doctor come there
5. pay outside doctor
6. pay for treatment

Thanks in advance for all your support and help. Any and all donations will go directly to these medical expenses.

To donate via Paypal, use paypal name: demonica22 [ at ]
To donate via bank, please contact: wallsarealive [ at ]
For more information or updates on his condition please contact: sandria.k [ at ]

Friends and Family of Billy Anjing

‘Most of all this is an attempt to send me your hug. ‘Coz I send many greetings for you guys. Friends.’

[Meanwhile Billy and Eat’s trial process continues. The fifth session took place on the 10th April, and it will continue over coming weeks]

Indonesia: Trial report of the process against Eat & Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI-IRF

Update: at the 5th hearing, on Tuesday April 10, the prosecution said that they were not yet ready to read out the charges. The 6th hearing will be heard next week.

There are also serious concerns about Billy’s health. (Call for solidarity)

325: We received late news that the State continued the trial against our brothers (Eat & Billy). The fourth trial held in Friday 6, April 2012 in Sleman Courthouse (Yogyakarta). This trial itself showed that the State and Capital want to force the Anti-Terrorism Act as a tool of repression against the rise of new generation of anarchist urban guerrilla in Indonesia under the name of Revolutionary Organization – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. Continue reading “Indonesia: Trial report of the process against Eat & Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI-IRF”

Indonesia: Sending Email to Prisoners

Hidup Biasa: Now it is possible to send emails to three people imprisoned in Indonesia for their resistance. Friends and families will print those emails and bring them to the prison when they go to visit. As prison is a very isolating experience, receiving messages of support, even from people you don’t know, can make a big difference. All three prisoners will be able to read your letters if you write in English, but it may be difficult for them to reply directly – obviously they have no computers in their cells!

Eat and Billy
are two anarchists arrested for burning an ATM machine belonging to BRI bank in Jogjakarta, Java on 7th October 2011. Their trial is currently in progress. Email for either or both of them can be sent to blackhammer(at)

Hidayat (Yaya) was arrested on 26th December 2011 on a demonstration in Makassar, Sulawesi. The demonstration was in response to the brutal police repression of a port blockade in Bima, Sumbawa island, where the police had killed at least three people a few days before. Yaya is accused of damaging a police outpost, and is currently awaiting trial. You can write to him at swatantra(at)